Almost Family

As Trent and Trevor laid on the floor they noticed their stunt had garnered the attention of many but only for a brief moment. There were many cultivator's there that have went threw hell and back to get to were they are now. So, while what Trent and Trevor did was impressive and worthy of being a great story to tell at a bar or something it was still something many others could pull off as well and perhaps better. Plus the current sea of beasts left plenty of opportunities for them to forge their own stories. Giving them no time to marvel at anothers.

Though there was still a few apprentice level soldiers who marveled at the might desplayed by Trent and Trevor there was still no heroic applause or witty banter distributed amongst the soldiers as they quickly got back to defending the wall.

Moving towards Trent and Trevor's still smoking bodies was their Captain Tusk. Tusk's large figure loomed over both their bodies and looked down at them unimpressed as he asked.

"What in the world do you two think your doing. This war is a battle of attrition not a showboating contest. Killing the magical beasts like that has no meaning its going to take a few months to clear a tide like this. So, stay inside the walls and kill those beasts from a safe distance like your good at. I'm not going to let you to slack off just because you gained a few injuries by your own stupidity. 5 minutes are all you get to catch your breath then you get back to work".

"Whatever you say Captain" Trent and Trevor tiredly replied as they were drained of energy.

Captain Tusk didn't even bother addressing their weak response. He simply turned away and went back to leading his men.

Because of the huge commotion that they made Trent and Trevor inevitably garnered the attention of Desmond's group and in that group Roy was surprised because he actually knew one of the two people who pulled off that impressive feet earlier. Baffled and in shock Roy accidentally uttered Trent's name out loud for all to hear.

Noticing someone calling his name Trent looked over to see who it was and to his surprise as well his eyes landed on Roy. The older brother of his one and only true love the most beautiful, the most immaculate Ms. Sally.

"Yo, Roy crazy seeing you here. I didn't think I would ever see you in a place like this".

Still flabbergast by the implications of what Trent's appearance there meant Roy found it difficult to utter a suitable reply.

"Ha, Roy you know those cultivators? Are you friends with them or something? If so how did you manage to pull off a miracle like that".

Lance quietly questioned Roy under his breath while the rest of his friends also tunned in interested in his answer.

"I didn't know about any of this either it wasnt long ago he was just some guy at the restaurant relentlessly hitting on my sister. How was I suppose to know he was secretly a big shot cultivator".

After putting a few things together their group quickly realized something important.

"Wait a second you mean he's the stalker" X3

Despite their group being a bit of a distance away Trent had amazing hearing and heared them clearly including Trevor. Trent felt as though a thousand knives were stabbing at his pride making him want to roll on the floor and die. While Trent was dealing with the wound delt to him Trevor was on the floor laughing. Their accuracy in describing Trent brought Trevor to tears making it hard for him to stop.

With a smile on his face to hide the pain Trent Waved them over and said, "Please lets just talk for a minute I mean no harm. Bring your friends too I out rank you guys buy a lot so you won't get in trouble for leaving your post".

Their group looked at each other for a moment before finally deciding just to walk over and talk to the guy. As they stood in front of Trent who was still on the floor Trent said, " I hope you don't mind me laying on the floor I only got a 5 minute break during my hole week long shift so I want to saver the moment. Now then Roy who are your friends?".

Roy after finding out Trent's real identity found it a bit difficult to talk to him as he usually did. Before to Roy, Trent was just a regular guy. A guy who was a shy perv who lust after his sister from a distance, but just a guy none the less. Now since he found out that random guy could easily kill him and his entire family with little consequence it was simple to see why Roy has trouble speaking.

"Umm, my friends names are Desmond, Lance, and John my lord".

A bit confused Trent replied, "why are you suddenly refering to me as lord im the same guy you serve at the restaurant all the time. Just because i'm a rank 1 cultivator doesn't mean i'm suddenly going to lash out and kill you because of some little things. Contrary to people's belief not all cultivators are assholes".

Laughing in the background Desmond replied with an earnest smirk on his face. Zane's will could feel the mental seal that he placed wavering as Desmond replied with a grin.

"Not all of them are assholes please do tell were I can find these mythical people because my experiences don't match up with what you said at all".

With clear venom in his words the mental constraints placed on Desmond slightly loosed. Desmond balled up his fist and his eye slightly twitched as bit buy bit as his real emotions seeped over. Without delay a swift smack was delivered across Desmond's head along with a few heart warming words.

"Control yourself fool my seal my hold back your emotions, but it doesn't mean your emotion's can't burst through it like a dame thus killing you. If you want to kill yourself then at least do it in a place were i'll have an easier time collecting your corpse".

A second latter Desmond settled down and became an emotionless husk once again. Not a thought of his drifted back towards the past since he knew full well it would do him no good. So, he focused on the present and nothing else.

Desmond words were not taken to heart for Trent he know how cruel there world is and the kind of people living in it.

"It sounds like you've met a few unsavory cultivators before. People like that tend to ruin our image so much that ordinary folk tend to see only the bad and not the good things about us. I know apologizing for their actions would be meaningless. So, I can only hope that you run into more people like me in hopes that will smooth over your perception a bit".

Trent friendly attitude and natural charisma brought bring anyone to ease at that point. If Desmond met someone like Trent when he first arrived on this world maybe his future would be bright and filled with rainbows, but its to bad his fate is sealed towards a much darker side.

Feeling less overwhelmed and terrified at this point Roy decided to ask, "Umm, Trent does my sister know the truth about you".

"I don't know? Probably not since I don't go around flexing my status about everywhere I go".

"Ok, but why the long con in trying to seduce my sister. A single ford from you and you would have thousands of woman rushing to be your partner.

"Well that's because ..."

"I can answers that". Trevor said as he butted into the conversation. "Its because Trent has next to no experience with woman and because he's absolute crap at expressing his emotions. That's why it took him 5 years of practically stalking her from a distance just to now start dating her".


A muffled explosion sounded out as Trent punched Trevor square in the stomach. Trevor felt like it was worth it to tell the truth despite the horrible pain he's now feeling.

Now completely embarrassed Trent found it hard to continue conversing with Roy and his friends. So, he quickly used an excuse to leave.

"Well our break is up so we best get going". Trent said as he stood up and dragged Trevor along by his leg. "Also i'll try to defend you and your friends as best as I can. Were practically brothers at this point and I couldn't possibly see your sister again if I let you get to hurt now could I".

"Thank Bro". Roy awkwardly said as he watched Trent storm off while dragging Trevor.

While their exchange was short and their blood ties nonexistent that moment allowed Roy and his friends to overcome many troubles throughout the coming months.