Sadistic God

"Alright the world is complete, now I just need a test sub- I mean human."- ???

The young-looking god was scrolling through the souls that had already passed through 2000 to 2019 in the Golden Clouds of Heaven to find the perfect soul to be placed in his world.

"None of them look good at all. Too young, too old...TO STUPID... Mortals never change. I won't send someone with too many sins. Screw it! I'll just pick up new blood."-???

The young-looking God started searching for the right hum- a soul for his entertainmen- job.

...BRIAN PHILLIPS RESIDENCE 1/25/2019.1:30 AM...

*Brian POV*

Finallyyyy Kingdom Hearts 3 I've been waiting for this game for 10 years. Why are there two cases for the game for the limited edition? Did Persona 5 didn't have that? Well, whatever not like it really matters.

*Third Person*

After Brian put the game in his PS4 sat on his bed excitedly gripping his controller waiting for the game to download. After the game finished downloading he pressed X on the game profile he started to blackout soon after the opening began.




When Brian woke up he was surrounded by Golden clouds everywhere sitting in a wooden chair in front of him was a table set and a blond hair blue-eyed ikemen that was sitting in a similar chair in front of him on the other side of the table.

"I appreciate the compliment but I'm not gay."

"Wait?! Did you just read my mind?!?" - Brain

"I did. I'm a god of souls so reading mortal's minds is a piece of cake."- God?

"Souls?! Does that mean I'm dead?!"- Brian

"Y-Yes."- God?


"That's what you're upset about?! Not why?! Not how?!"- God?

"Huh, wasn't it just my time?"- Brian

"No, you had another 40 years."- God?


"Oh, easy I ripped your soul out of your body killing you in the process."- God?!


"I wanted someone to talk to😢." the God said as he wiped away a fake tear.

"Bull****."- Brian

"I knew you wouldn't fall for that."- God?!


"Oh but Brian you seem to enjoy playing games."- God?!


Brian couldn't finish his sentence as the atmosphere around God completely changed killing intent was completely pouring out of his body.

"Why are you doing this?!"- Brian

"The question isn't why kid. It's "why not?"."- God?!

"Wha-"- Brian

"You hated life in that world always seeking a new world in the games you play. Really you should be thanking me."- God?!


"Really? A 24-year-old male nurse, not a bad career choice given the need for those living solely for his hobbies which includes anime, light novels, manga, and video games a classic otaku. Kind of a surprised somebody swiped your v-card in high school otaku's don't usually have that opportunity."- God

"Shut the f*** up!!"- Brian

"But where did it all go downhill for you? You even had plans to be a doctor was it when you didn't make valedictorian in high school? Nah, that didn't bother you al all."- God?!

"It was when your high school sweetheart broke up with you after high school for someone that was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. That guy will never work a day in his life hahaha."- God


Brian threw the table and rushed to him to try and beat the divinity out of him. To only be stopped after the god raised his right hand and golden chains appealed all around Brian's soul body stopping him in his tracks.

"I'll consider that nerve touched."- God?!


"You know what I'll continue just for you. You had a feeling she was going to dump. She keeps on saying that she wanted to travel the world and whatnot. But you never wanted to leave using the excuse that "My family here". In all actuality, you never gave a crap about them just to much of a big change."- God?!

Brian now had a deadpan look in his eyes just absorbing the taunts God was throwing at him.

"Come on Mortal don't break now I was just started to enjoy myself."- God

Brian was listening but he wasn't responding just had a deadpan expression while looking down at the Golden Clouds.

"*Exhales* You know what I'm going to do for you mortal I'm going to reincarnate you! Happy for you right all your dreams come true! And as a bonus, because you've just been such a joy to be around I'm giving you a lottery system yippee... You want to know the best part about this is I won't be able to interfere with what you get it's truly luck-based so rejoice! "- God?!

"How do I know that you're telling the truth?"- Brian said while still looking down at the clouds.

"You won't."- God?!

"What makes you think I won't be able to reach your level and kill you where you stand you sadistic f***?"- Brian

"*Chuckles* that's a big if but "Will you be able to do it? HAHA HAHAHA Goodbye Brian 'Until we meet again.'"

That bastard is quoting Igor from the Persona series but sounding like the evil fake from Persona 5. I'm seriously gonna come back here and kill him. He said he was a god does that mean there are other gods? Can any of the other gods help me? How is he allowed to do this? Aren't their laws gods have to follow? Why is he allowed to do whatever the hell he wants?

The sadistic God raised his right hand again while Brian's soul body started turning into specks of golden light knocking him out once again.