The Medical Demon Kōetsuji #2

Akisame lead the way to my room. Not surprised he knew where my room was. After I walked into my room he almost closed the door but not all the way left it a crack open. He was standing next to the bed when he called for me.

"Come sit I'll take the IV out of you."- Kōetsuji

"Ok."- Seth

I did as I was told I sat on the bed and showed him my arm he removed the needle and patched me up very fast I didn't even see the needle nor my blood.

"Wow, how fast are you sure you can give me treatment even though you don't work here?"- Seth

"Heh, it's fine the Hospital director told me to check you and your friend out. They can't seem to figure out why she's going deaf or why you keep having seizures."- Kōetsuji

"Oh, why am I having seizures?"- Seth

Kōetsuji then sat in a seat next to the bed and put his hand on his shin.

" I have a theory but before that, I have a question what is the last thing you remember before your first seizure?"- Kōetsuji

I had a frustrated look on my face trying to remember what happened it all happened so fast.

"Hmmm, I was in my bedroom in my desk practicing my handwriting skills. I then start felt a burning feeling in my stomach I tried to scream but I couldn't before I knew it I feel out of my seat and hit the floor then blacked out."- Seth

"Okay, how do I put this in a way you'll understand. *muttered* Did the burning feeling slowly appear getting hotter or did it just suddenly appeared spreading to the rest of your body?"- Kōetsuji

"It's just suddenly appeared I don't remember if it spread to the rest of my body. I'm not saying it didn't happen I just don't remember if it did."- Seth

'Could it be his latent potential then why would it just burst like that?' "Have you felt something like this before?"- Kōetsuji

I took a few moments before I answered with a confused look.

"I think but never was never that hot."- Seth

"Wait what do you mean?"- Kōetsuji

I kept my confused expression up the way I answered more resembled questions than it did answers.

"I've always felt a... Hot? Warm? Thang in my stomach, every time I try to move it around it makes me hungry and tired so I stopped moving it."- Seth

Akisame was shocked when he heard this but he didn't let his face depict it.

'A natural talent to move Ki in his body never thought I would see the day. Does that mean that was his latent potential?!' "Do you know what Ki is? Yuuki-Chan."- Kōetsuji

I shake my head. "No."- Seth

"It's an energy that every living being even plants."- Kōetsuji

"Then why did it hurt me then?"- Seth

"I think it's because you have too much."- Kōetsuji

"How do I get rid of it?"- Seth

"You know in a way you just asked, "How do I die?"- Kōetsuji

I then started repeating 'I don't wanna go' or 'I don't wanna die' for crocodile tears much like Tom Holland when he needs to cry on camera. As I raised my Ki a bit.

"D-Does that mean I'll always have seizures?"- Seth

"N-No I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." 'Crap I shouldn't have said that I guess I'm a bit jealous because of his talent. His Ki is rising a bit does that mean his Ki is connected to his emotions? Oh god, that's so dangerous if that's the case. What if he loses control?! I don't even wanna think about what will happen'- Kōetsuji

I looked at him with fake tears in my eyes and asked.

"What do you mean then?"- Seth