"Can the gate open both ways?" (Mom)
Dad then got up from the ground while saying "I don't know. It wouldn't budge from either side I tried to open it."
"If it's only one way I don't think I can open it from this way there's not anything I can use to pull it open." (Seth)
"Hum you can open it both ways." (Kensei) Kensei walked up while saying that.
"Okay then I'l-" (Seth) Kensei interrupting my sentence.
"I'll do it bud I already have many pictures of that funny scene." (Kensei)
"I did my best to open it.." Sounded as salty as I can be.
"Haha, I know." As Kensei said as he patted my shoulder. Kensei then walked up to the gate slowly raise two fingers and pushed against the gate. It slowly opened enough for my parents and me to slip through but not wide enough to hit our car.
"There you go kid, don't worry about closing it I'll do it." (Kensei)
"Thank you, Master Kensei, see you tomorrow."(Seth)
My parents weren't surprised at all or maybe they were just too tired to even care that a small Chinese man was able to open a giant gate with two fingers and headed towards the car. Mom was driving this time, dad was in the front seat and I sent behind the driver's seat because Dad laid his seatback. Then headed our way to McDonald's.
"What do you want at McDonald's?" (Mom)
"I want what Dad gets." (Seth)
"You don't want a Happy Meal?" (Mom)
"Too small." (Seth)
"Your small too. Do you wanna get big?" (Mom)
"Just let him get it he's probably going to be burning more fat than ever at that dojo." (Dad)
"I see what you mean but no chicken nuggets." (Mom)
"K" (Seth) Wow did dad win that one?
"When you order don't forget to say no pickles for his meal." (Dad)
"We're not going through the drive-through." (Mom)
"Wut?" (Dad/Seth)
"We're going to the one further away because it has a playhouse." (Mom) Oh, so she was pitying him because he has a migraine or she just didn't want to fight any longer.
He took a long pause before he spoke. "I think I see what you doing. Do you think he'll enjoy it?"
"Maybe I'm not sure." (Mom)
"McDonald's has a play-ground?" (Seth) I've never been to one in this life so I wouldn't know.
"Only certain locations we don't live close enough to one that has one." (Mom)
"Oh." I'm kind of happy I don't but I'll seem disappointed.
We didn't talk all that much after that I can't tell if they're just upset about what happened at the dojo or to spare my dad because of his migraine. The entire car ride took 30 minutes it's not worth all this time. Truly their has to be better establishments in this world?!
When we got there there were some cars around. There were some vehicles behind McDonald's but those are probably the employee's cars. When mom parked dad was the last one to get out of the car he seems like he was trying to psych himself up trying to get the appearance that he wasn't in pain.
When we went inside McDonald's there wasn't much of a line just a busty blue-haired woman ordering food.
"Take him to the play-ground area I'll get the food." (Mom)
"You read my mind, let's go, Seth." (Dad)
"K" (Seth)
There was hardly anyone outside the play area just two men having lunch both of them were wearing trench coat like suits both wore hats, one of them wore sunglasses indoors and the other couldn't keep his long silverish color hair in his hat. I wonder why I'm observing these two so much they sort of look familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it. I'm just glad they haven't noticed me yet. Maybe I want a trench coat?
When my father and I got to the play area there were a lot more families here than I thought. There were three sets of parents but four kids, three of the kids were in the ball pit they seem to be around 5 to 6 a bit taller than me. They seem to be boys two of the boys have blue hair while the other one has blond hair. The fourth kid seems to be in the tubes I saw him near the plastic window on the tubes can't see much more though. Dad had already gotten a seat and told me to go ahead and play.
"Tomoya!! Let's go up that thing!!" The kid with blonde hair screamed as he was pointing at the tubes.
"Don't scream Sunohara I'm right next to you idiot!" (Tomoya)
"Eh let's go Natsuno we don't need this sourpuss to have fun" (Sunohara)
"I swear you need to be tested for something." (Natsuno)
"EHHH you too?!" (Sunohara)
Yeah, I'm not going anywhere near those idiots. I'll just climb up the tubes, not like anything bad can happen up there right?
As I made my way through the tubes which I'm not going to lie is pretty cool that I can fit through again although it's a bit different from the one I had in my previous life it seems more secure I digress. I found the kid that was looking out the plastic window he turned out to be a girl I just couldn't tell. When she and I locked eyes she crawled away to another tube. I guess I frightened her? Meh, what are you gonna do the only reason I'm here is I don't wanna bother my dad. She had blue hair too, why is everyone I'm seeing have blue hair today? Is that the color of the day and no one told me?
I looked out the plastic window I saw two of the sets of parents gone including their trash and belongings. My dad had his head on the table I guess he was able to relax somewhat no one was yelling or making any noise. I even saw the blonde kid from before sitting in the ball pit... With a.. weird look on his.. face... Oh god.
"Hey, I don't recommend going into the ball pit!" I screamed trying to alert the girl.
"..." There is no response don't you can't say I didn't warn you.
"Why?" (???) I didn't even look at her as I spoke.
" I think the blond kid is doing something to it." (Seth)
"The mean one?" (???)
"He didn't seem all that mean from what I heard when I first got here the blue-haired guys around him were meaner to him." (Seth)
"He's mean he told me to get out of the ball pit after he and his friends got here." (???)
"I don't think those were his friends they seemed like they were using him as a gofer." (Seth)
"Haha, what's he doing to the ball pit?" (???)
"I think he is using it as a bathroom an-" (Seth)
"What?!" (???) She crawled fast back to the plastic window to look at him. I instinctively moved back to where I came from to let her see when she got closer.
"Oh my gosh, he does look like he's relieving himself!" (???)
"If he's doing it for that long it ain't no number one." (Seth)
"Oh oh I think your right." (???)
"All right I've had my share fun here and I'm never coming back." (Seth) As I started to head my way towards the way I came.
"Wait where are you going?" (???)
"I'm going to go where my dad is." (Seth) As I point to the man with his head on the table.
"Why?" (???)
"Better there than accidentally stepping in pee or poop." (Seth)
"Can I go with you? I don't wanna be bored." (???)
"I don't mind what's your name?" (Seth)
"Kurono Kurumu." (Kurumu) " As in the succubus?! Then that lady ordering at the counter was your mom?!
"Yuuki Seth"