Moving into Ryōzanpaku #5

I had woken up pretty early around 5 a.m. I was supposed to wake up at 8 a.m, I guess trying to use Magic Body while fusing a new bloodline won't work. I'm not hungry so the Magic Body trait is a bit stronger than the curse that might change when I start my training though. My physical appearance didn't change at all while my Ki seems a bit more restless it's a bit harder to try to conceal it.

'Hey, Phil can I grow a tail?'

[You can but I didn't add it because I thought you wouldn't like it]

'You would be correct I wouldn't like it.'

[The hole where the Saiyans tail usually it won't show up on you, but you should know you won't be able to access the Great Ape Transformation]

'That's fine I wouldn't want to lose my mind anyway after I transform. Would it matter if you hide my tail hole? Won't people know that if they study my blood I'm not human?'

[You won't lose your mind even if you decide to have a tail this bloodline is even purer than Prince Vegeta's. You don't have to worry about that when blood leaves the body it will only show up your human.]


[Unable to answer]

'Oh my god! Then is my regular Saiyan Bloodline like the Ancient Saiyan Bloodline?'

[It is not the Ancient Saiyan bloodline has faster regenerative properties, faster fighting adapted properties and doesn't need a moon to transform.]

'Is the Saiyan curse active?'

[It is you have the chance to receive the curse removal pills by the Lottery]

'That's good.'

I got out of my bed and started packing to my surprise I don't own a lot of stuff I have more books then I do clothes. Though I'm not that ticked off about it just makes things a whole lot easier. I finish packing everything in my room in an hour somehow not waking up my parents.

I only have 4 hours left meh I'll go back to drawing. I finished the outline of Shouko within 2 hours all I have to do is add color now but I don't have the right utensils to do that sadly. I'm just gonna draw Apachai in his fighting stance to pass the time. I drew him at the dojo with the Red Gate behind him it's just not colored yet, I was easily able to draw him and his stance but his facial features we're a bit harder to draw. I was able to finish his outline within 2 hours. This shocked me because it took me 4 hours to finish Shoukos portrayed so I went to check the XP of my Drawing Skill 106.

'Phil, what's going on here? Saiyans aren't supposed to have any talented art?'

[The Saiyan bloodline is Limitless]

'So it's that just for fighting?'

[Incorrect take Gohan for example although he's only a half Saiyan he was very bright for his age and quickly learned how to survive in the wilderness due to Piccolo's training. Most pure-blooded Saiyans were born in war taught that the strongest always survived never really tried to develop their technology and only steeled technology from other alien races.]

'So you're telling me that the Saiyans didn't have the potential just to be the strongest race but the smartest too?!'

[That's a bit pushing it what I mean is that they can always learn anything faster than others but most of them just don't focus on other things not related to fighting]

'Then why didn't you put that in the description?!'

[I said they were Limitless]

'That's not what I mean, I meant why didn't you put Skill-Up or something?!'

[Because it depends on your focus and again Lim~it~less]


I looked around the room no one had entered or moved the stuff I had packed meaning my parents hadn't come to see me yet. It's 9 so they should be coming here any minute now to get me up for breakfast and to get ready. I'm going to go ahead and beat them to the punch and go downstairs to the kitchen.

When I arrived in the kitchen mom had already finished setting the table for breakfast and dad was reading the newspaper while drinking coffee. She went all out today there was bacon, toast, sausage rolls, scrambled eggs, biscuits and orange juice.

"Morning momma, morning dad." As I said when I went to go take my seat.

"Morning hun good thing you're here I was about to send Dad up to get you." (Mom)

"I'm glad I came down at the right time." (Seth)

As I started eating dad asked me a question.

"Are you sure you want them to train you son? I've talked to them and they will ramp up your training at the age of 6 and trust me it won't be fun." (Dad)

"Do I have a choice what happens if I faint again? They just seemed like the best option." (Seth)

"We could... Nope, I got nothing." (Dad)

"Quit trying to change his mind. Just so you know this you won't quit mid-way." (Mom) She said with a dark smile.

"To think you'd show your fangs to your own son" dad muttered

"What was that?" (Mom)

"Nothing dear." (Dad)

"Haha momma you don't have to worry I won't give up halfway I'm strong!" (Seth)

"We'll see if your resolve will last." (Dad)

"Yeah, yeah. (Seth)

It turns out mom wanted to make pancakes too but it would take too long so dad talked her out of it. After we finish eating my parents went inside my room to pack up the rest of my stuff and put it in the car only to see that everything else was already packed. They weren't that's surprised considering how excited I was last night. So they continue to packing my stuff into the car I somehow lost my art journal the last place I saw it was on my desk... I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere...

When we arrive at the dojo the gates were completely open. I guess they were telling us to bring the car in so we can get me unpacked quickly.

Standing straight ahead towards the dojo building was Akisame waiting there for me. After mom parked the car I quickly got out and greeted him.

"Hey, Master." (Seth)

"Hello, Seth why don't you go see Shigure inside she'll guide you to your new room." (Akisame)

"K" (Seth)