Akisame gave me back my book easily after he found out he wasn't gonna get a good reaction out of me. Next time try better Akisame!! I returned to my room with my art book, all my pencils were in a large thermos on my desk. It's a creative way to put my pencils it's not like I'm gonna use it for coffee anytime soon. My erasers are just on my desk I only had two or three.
My bookshelf was full of books but they don't seem to be mine. It's full of medical, technical, History, advanced mathematics all that stuff I guess Akisame found out from my parents that I have an eidetic memory and just wants to make the best use of it. I'm not complaining though I wanna make Hits fighting style from Dragon Ball Super where he aims for pressure points, or maybe Might Guys Strong Fist taijutsu but will I need chakra for that? It is all about breaking bones so I don't think so, I'll just hit harder. I don't think the Gentle Fist would work for a few reasons one I don't have chakra I don't even know if I can use Ki as a replacement. Second I don't know where any of the chakra points on the body is for it to work nor do I have the Byakugan. Although you don't need it to use it I digress it'll just be impractical at this point. I wonder how long it'll take to develop both techniques? I'll worry about that later I want to draw Akisame now.
I made Akisame in his hakama in a wooden cabin-like room. I only drew him from the waist up it's easier and it'll save more time. He wasn't in a fighting stance like Apachai but in a relaxed manner with a calming smile and eyes. He had his hands in his hakama while his head was slightly tilted to the right. The outline was finished a lot faster than I thought it would only take about an hour to finish. I don't even want to look at the drawing skill it'll just piss me off again.
I decided to look at one of the Human Physiology Anatomy textbooks that were in my bookshelf there's nothing here on pressure points. I'm not surprised I already know about all this stuff thanks to my previous life. I just thought it would be a bit different because it was in Japanese but no difference at all. I push the book aside then hit my head on my desk.
"I'm so bored." (Seth)
"What do you want to do?" (Shigure)
"Ahhh when did you walk in?" (Seth)
"Just before you started looking through that textbook." (Shigure)
"Why didn't you say anything?" (Seth)
"You look like you were focused." (Shigure)
"Was I?" (Seth) I need to break that habit.
"You were, so what do you wanna do?" (Shigure)
"What do you mean?" (Seth)
"You said you were bored." (Shigure)
"Oh, right I wanna train." (Seth)
"You can't." (Shigure)
"I know." (Seth)
"You can't rush things." (Shigure)
"I know." (Seth)
"Then why are you rushing things?" (Shigure)
"Ask Master Akisame." Shots fired.
She started pulling on my cheeks. "Stop being cheeky."
"Nah." (Seth)
She then looks like she just realized something and let my cheeks go.
"Lunchtime." (Shigure)
"You forgot that didn't you!" (Seth)
"No, let's go." (Shigure)
She walked out the door to my room and waited outside my room for me. when I walked out she started guiding me to the dining area but I already knew where it was I guess she was just doing it for fun. When we arrived at the dining area Master Akisame and Master Sakaki were already sitting at the table but there was a heavy atmosphere I went ahead and took a seat. Did someone die? It wasn't until Shigure left the dining area for the kitchen I figured out what was going on.
"Seth prepare to meet your maker." (Akisame)
"Why is she cooking? She never cooks anymore, where is Kensei?!" (Sakaki)
"He went out with Apachai to pick up some things for me." (Akisame)
"He went out knowing this would happen didn't he?!" (Sakaki)
"It wouldn't surprise me." (Akisame)
As they were having their little chat I was trying to escape I quietly got out from the chair and made my way back where I came from. But I didn't get a few steps before.
"Don't.You.Dare!" (Sakaki)
I quickly turned my body around clapped my hands twice and bowed.
"Masters thank you for your sacrifice I know you were good people. Hopefully, you'll find peace and love in the afterlife." (Seth) It was a prayer.
"I didn't think he was a joker." (Akisame)
"Sit.Down." (Sakaki)
He started releasing some of his bloodthirst I didn't want to piss him off anymore so I sat back down. He might make the training even harder than Kenichi's.
"I don't want to join Masters in the afterlife yet." (Seth) As fake tears started going down my cheeks.
"Too bad this is all happening because of you." (Sakaki)
"...It can't be that bad...Right?" (Seth)
"Oh, no...It's worse." (Akisame)
"Oh, Master you give me all the hope a boy could need." (Seth)
"So funny do you just come up with these one lines?" (Akisame)
"I sometimes like to use humor to calm down a tense situation." (Seth)
"I see." (Akisame)
"Who cares about he's-" (Sakaki)
At that moment what we feared came to light, Shigure had finished lunch. She gave each of us a bowl of miso soup, rice, and a cooked fish that all looked pretty normal. The room atmosphere only seems to become even heavier.
"I-I see you really tried this time." (Akisame) Did master just stutter? Oh dear, we're f*****.
"Yep." (Shigure)
"Why isn't there any food for you?" (Akisame)
"Ate some as I made it, not hungry." (Shigure)
"You shouldn't do that it's an unhealthy habit." (Akisame)
"I know sorry." (Shigure)
I clapped my hands together again and said. "Thanks for the meal."
"Seth you're supposed to do that after the meal." (Akisame)
"But doesn't that word mean the same thing." (Seth)
"Itadakimasu? No, it means I humbly receive." (Akisame)
"..Oh, thank you, master." (Seth) I really can't tell if he's trying to help me push this thing back or not.
"Eat or it'll get cold." (Shigure)
'That's the least of our problems.'-Seth/Akisame/Sakaki
She's still observing us I guess it's now or never. Because of my acting skill I easily picked up my chopsticks without a care in the world and started eating the rice.
"Hm, its good Master Shigure." (Seth)
"Thank you, Seth." (Shigure) She then started observing again.
It tasted bad don't get me wrong but not too bad I expected Himeji Mizuki from "Baka and Test" bad where she can Auto kill with just the taste. But Nah this just tastes bad it's still edible. But how can she make rice taste like this? It tastes like cooked hot dog water would be the easiest comparison. I took a sip of the miso soup it was just too salty. And for some oddly weird reason, the fish tasted like oranges. Shigure looked satisfied after everything tastes good and left for the blacksmith building probably to get to her room.
The Masters were completely shocked and thought maybe she cooked something edible and tried it. When Sakaki took a bite of the rice it auto killed him while Akisame immediately spits it out.
"How can you eat this?! Does your taste buds not work?!" (Akisame)
"I agree it does taste bad but not bad enough to kill someone... Right?" (Seth)
"It usually does!?" (Akisame)
"Wait, really?" (Seth)
"Yes!" (Akisame)
"Oh." I then finished all my food in front of him.
"....You monster." (Akisame)
So it was Mizuki bad! Hallelujah to my Magic Body or would this be considered Saiyans appetite either way victory is mine.