What father saw coming towards us was original Bonnie from the original restaurant but without its top facepiece. He's bigger than you would think and very intimidating with its glowing red eyes. Unluckily there wasn't a car in front of us so Bonnie had a clear shot to get to us. Where did they even hide? I'm positive I would have spotted them was I just too distracted by talking?
As mom was trying to start the car it being useless. Bonnie got in front of the car and kicked it knocking us into the parking lot. He chased after the car when he kicked it Freddy waited to see what he would do next. Our car was fairly new but still made of plastic-like metal but compared to the animatronics it felt like the car was warm butter to them.
Kurumu started crying and screaming so Ageha picked her up in her arms trying to comfort her. She looked torn I guess she was having inner conflict on wanting to protect us with her monster form she doesn't want us to know her secret. Mom and Dad can't take on animatronics and dad looks like he's about to s*** himself no I take that back he has! Damnit I'm gonna have to do this myself.
'Hey, Phil can you turn my eye color to that of my Majin form?'
[Easily do you wish for me to do it now]
'No, wait a bit I have a plan.'
Bonnie didn't wait a second and immediately headed towards the car after he kicked it. He easily picked it up by the noise of the car then threw it towards the restaurant. Luckily it didn't go far the car landed upside down.
Luckily my parents had already put on their seatbelts when they got in. Ageha skillfully made sure she and her daughter would be safe when the car hit the ground you shouldn't doubt a monster's speed. My whole body hit the roof of the car neck first while it was in the air because I hadn't put on my seatbelt yet a resounding crack was herd.
"yuu..ki?.... YUUKIIIII!" (Kurumu)
*Change POV Kurumu*
*Flashback from in the arcade when Freddy approached*
Ahh, I knew I shouldn't have stayed here when I smelled monster blood. They're hunters they want to kill us. Mom said they wouldn't attack us because we're with humans. But they're attacking! I can't move or speak! Momma, I don't wanna die! Help me!
"Hang on Kurumu are you alright?" (Yuuki)
'No, I'm not Yuuki help!'
"Come on she'll be fine she's just a little scared when she comes to she'll meet us in the family area." (Asuna)
'No Asuna! Don't leave me!'
"Agreed she'll catch up to us when she calms down." (Sakamoto)
'Sakamoto no not you too! I don't wanna die!'
"Well, I'm not leaving her like this." (Yuuki)
Yuuki had thrown me over his shoulder before I knew it. He's too rough I'm a girl for goodness sake can't he be gentler? Eh, his life force is increasing why is that? Mom told me a while ago that only professional human martial artists could do that.
"Come on man you don't have to go that far." (Sakamoto)
'Shut up Sakamoto I swear I'm going to kick him in his-'
"Hey, buddy you're not following the ruulles." (Freddy) (*AN she couldn't hear the voice crack)
'Oh no that's so creepy'
Before I knew it Yuuki had bolted at if his life depended on it. I didn't know a human child could run this fast and he's doing it with ease as if I don't weigh anything. I just realized why this place is so big it's built like a maze. The hunters are hoping that a monster child could get lost in it. He's running around as if he owns the place was he keeping track of where we were? What? His life force is increasing again what's going on? I need to get away from him although I haven't fully awake into my powers I'll get a certain 'way' if I'm around too much life energy.
"Hey boy, she looks hurt why don't you leave her with us? We'll get her to a doctor." (???)
'Who said that? I don't know that voice I'm pretty sure we're at the entrance by how things look. I wish he would turn me around so I can see who's in front of him.'
"Nah she doesn't seem physically hurt so I'm just gonna take her home." (Yuuki)
'Yes, Yuuki I'm gonna marry you for this.'
"Ah but it's safer to make sure right? You wouldn't want her to die would you?" (???)
'I will likely die if he leaves me with you.'
"I'll take my chances." (Yuuki)
"What a heartless friend you are. But are you sure you wanna go and ruin your party? You might not get to see your surprise." (???)
'Wait are there two of them? They sound so generic I couldn't tell at first. I'm happy the author started paying attention to me.' (AN* Yeah she broke the fourth wall in the anime and manga so she'll be able to do it here too)
"I don't care about a stupid surprise!" (Yuuki)
"Oh, that's too bad you would have had a great time." (???)
'Oi wasn't that the perverted old man that was ogling my mom?'
"Leave the kid alone." (POM) (POM- Perverted Old Man)
'Yes thank you reinforcements! Sorry I called you perverted'
"Master Kensei?" (Yuuki)
"Yes hello, Seth I'm gonna want an explanation on what's going on." (Kensei)
"Who are you?!" (???)
"Me? I'm acting as this kid's guardian." (Kensei)
"What?" (???)
'Get a hint bonehead.'
"Seth take the girl back to the table." (Kensei)
"Wait a minute-" (???)
"Stop we've voiced our concern that's all we can do." (???)
'Finally, leave us the heck alone!'
"What but-?" (???)
"Enough don't forget I'm in charge you'll listen to my orders." (???)
"*clicks tongue* Fine." (???)
"I'm sorry for the intrusion I hope you understand the concern we have for children. I hope you enjoy your time here at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria." (???)
'That one smart he doesn't want to cause a scene and draw in more witnesses.'
"Well, that was ominous." (Kensei)
"Yeah, Master can you get the others?" (Yuuki)
"I can but why?" (Kensei)
"I believe they might be in danger. If they're still near one of the animatronics get them away from it." (Yuuki)
'Oh Yuui you don't need to worry about them hunters never involve humans. Its part of their code at least that's what Mom told me.'
"Why?" (Kensei)
"They started acting weird when they came around." (Yuuki)
"It seems like to me you're the one that's acting weird." (Kensei)
"Please Master Kensei." (Yuuki)
"....Fine but I'm only doing this because you think they're in danger." (Kensei)
'No one likes a tsundere old man.'
I saw him speed walking away from Yuuki heading towards the direction our friends were in a fast way. Yuuki continued on to the table but at a slower pace. His life energy hasn't calmed down yet this is bad someone help at this rate I'll be vulnerable.
When we entered the dining area before I knew it someone had picked us up and separated us. It was the high schooler that showed up at the party. Is she his sister?
"Calm down." (???)
"Master Shigure?" (Yuuki)
'Wait Master? What does she teach? Her life energy is impressive but still a Master?'
"What's wrong?" (Shigure)
"She became this way when an animatronic got near her. They just wanted to leave her." (Yuuki)
Yuuki's life energy had become chaotic as he somewhat relaxed. It's like he's having a hard time deciding rather be on guard or not he must have a lot of trust in her. He started crying I don't really want to see that but at the same time, I do I wonder why?
"..." (Shigure)
"It felt like someone else's thoughts were inside my head telling me to take her and run." (Yuuki)
"Why did you listen to them?" (Shigure)
"I felt like I'll never see her again if I didn't." (Yuuki)
'I'm definitely gonna marry him. I'll make sure he never has a crying snotting face again even if it's adorable...Maybe not I still wanna see him like this.'
"Ok, ok it's fine I got you." (Shigure)
After she said that she started heading towards the table. Halfway there a blind middle-aged man and my mother came to us to see what was wrong.
"What happened to her?!" (Ageha)
The blind old man put two of his fingers on my neck. Wait how does he know something's wrong is he not blind?
"It isn't a panic attack. Is she prone to have panic attacks?" (BOM) (BOM-Blind Old Man)
"No! Kid how did this happen?!" (Ageha)
'Don't yell at him he hasn't done anything wrong!'
"It was one of the animatronics... Everyone became weird when he got there." (Yuuki)
"Everyone?" (BOM)
"They wanted to leave her when they knew something was wrong with her." (Yuuki)
"....I'm sorry, can I hold my daughter now." (Ageha)
The high schooler carrying me easily gave me back to my mother she first looked into my eyes and immediately figured out what was wrong. She tried to use an unnoticeable spell that would give me back my control but the spells too weak.
"*Exhale* She'll be fine, she'll wake up later." (Ageha)
After she figured out she wasn't going to be able to break the spell she started carrying me with both of her arms. I can't see Yuuki anymore because half my face has buried in her chest.
"Then this has happened before?" (BOM)
"No, but I got a pretty good idea what's wrong with her. Boy, you said that she was near an animatronic when this happened correct? (Ageha)
"Y-Yeah." (Yuuki)
"Wait what does this have to do with the animatronics? Do you think they did this to her?" (BOM)
"All right, Yep this is perfect this is grreaat. I'm going to grab the kids and the other Masters." (BOM)
'Yuuki didn't respond that means he only nodded his head he can see!'
"Wait let me go with you." (Yuuki)
"No." (Shigure)
"But I-" (Yuuki)
"Let the boy help he seems to have a lot more secrets than you might think." (Ageha)
'I was able to hear her even though she whispered I love my monster senses. But That's true my Yuuki's amazing.'
"Don't you think he might not have any control over his secrets he might accidentally hurt himself or others." (BOM)
'He does have a point but I don't think he'll get into a fight, hunters don't involve humans technically they haven't yet. If it wasn't for Yuuki I wouldn't be here now.'
"If he can figure out someone's trying to hypnotize him he can't be that useless on the battlefield." (Ageha)
Don't make it sound like you're sending him to war! I can sense she's using charm on him not a very strong one though. It makes him more suggestive for her ideas other than to outright control him.
"Tch Shigure let him go he's coming with me." (BOM)
"Why?!" (Shigure)
"Can you please trust me on this, I won't let him get hurt." (BOM)
"....Fine." (Shigure)
"Come on we've gotta find them and get out of here." (BOM)
"Right." (Yuuki)
I can hear them walking away but I can't see them. When they left we immediately headed back to the table. When Yuuki left his life energy was still high I guess he's still worried. I soon felt my mother sit down in her chair I really can't see that well in the position I'm in. My mother immediately started talking to the group after we sat down.
"Something's wrong with this place we've got to leave." (Ageha)
"Wait? What?" (Sakaki) (AN* Kurumu doesn't know any of the Master's names other than the ones Yuuki said but it'll confuse you on who's talking to if I don't add them)
"Seth said it was dangerous." (Shigure)
"That kid's sharp but I don't see how this place could be dangerous." (Sakaki)
"Could it be an overactive imagination? How's your daughter doesn't she need to breathe?" (Ito)
'I'm used to it.'
"Oh right."
My mother didn't turn me around to face the table but all I could see was the high-schooler that picked me up.
"Is she okay?" (Ito)
"Nope." (Shigure/Ageha)
"Don't we have to get her to a hospital then?" (Sakaki)
"No, she'll wake up in a little bit." (Ageha)
"You're Shouko's grandmother right?" (Shigure)
"That's right." (Ito)
"Would she leave a new friend who is in the midst of having a panic attack to do something more fun?" (Shigure)
"No, she's a very nice kind child." (Ito)
"What about the other two?" (Ageha)
"No, they're good children." (Ito)
"Seth said they tried to leave her behind when an animatronic approached them." (Shigure)
"Of course she was in the midst of having a panic attack." (Ageha)
"Seth thinks the animatronic was the cause of them abandoning her and her having the panic attack." (Shigure)
".....Is that why he was crying?" (Ito)
"I believe so it was so unlike them." (Ageha)
"No, he was scared." (Senji)
'That was Yuuki's Dad, wasn't it? So he was paying attention I wonder if his mom is too.'
"What?" (Ageha)
"Seth hardly ever cries only if he really wants something... Something other than the animatronic must set him off." (Sarah)
'Does she mean the two guys that tried to stop us? How could they set him off?'
"Two employees tried to stop Seth from entering the dining area. They wanted him to leave the girl in their hands." (Shigure) There was a brief moment of silence before anyone said anything.
"Then there's no doubt in my mind that he believes if he had given her to them she would have died." (Sarah)
"Why would he automatically think that though? Why would he hide the thought that you could die from us?" (Ito)
'I wanna know that too!'
"It could be exactly as you said an 'overactive imagination' he does watch a lot of TV shows he really shouldn't watc-" (Senji) His wife interrupted him.
"For why he would hide it is because he knows what position he's in." (Sarah)
"What do you mean?" (Shigure)
"Come on he's a genius but I don't think he would be that smart." (Senji)
"Hun you said it yourself that he was scared so honestly what would scare him? Sorry as I was saying would you believe a three-year-old if they told you that the employees of this restaurant were trying to kill them without any evidence whatsoever?" (Sarah)
No one answered that question at all we all knew that answer.
".....He did say he feared that he 'would never see her again' when I asked why 'He took her and ran'. But that was before he met the two guys." (Shigure)
"Then he must have never trusted this place." (Sarah)
'He did say he found the animatronics creepy.'
Another brief moment of silence was shared within the group.
"This is fu**** up." (Sakaki)
"Uhh the more I think about it the more it makes sense. Usually, your stories have this type of bad plot twist." (Senji)
"Really you're taking shots right now hun." (Sarah)
"Stories?" (Ito)
"Yep, she's a mystery writer." (Senji)
'You're too loud don't draw too much attention to yourself. Yuuki can't really think that right?'
"Yep." (Senji)
"I can't believe this I feel like someone just pranked me. Now I really wanna leave." (Sakaki)
"It doesn't matter if it was a prank or a deduction we're leaving after they get back." (Sarah)
No one said anything after that they must have all agreed that they didn't want to stay. It felt like an eternity before my mom got up to move again. Apparently, Yuuki and the other were back from the arcade. We were heading towards the corridor to meet them halfway there.
"There's the birthday boy." (Chica)
"Ah no." (Yuuki)
"We got a surprise for you." (Bonnie)
"Oh yeah, the puppet it's pretty. Can we watch it dance?" (Asuna)
'Oh God No I don't even want to see it.'
"Puppet?" (Yuuki/BOM)
"Yeah look." (Asuna)
"Nah let's go." (Yuuki)
"Why?" (Asuna)
"....Asuna I don't like this place. I didn't even want to step foot in this place. I didn't choose to come here I would have wanted to go to McDonald's or Burger King instead of this place. It doesn't help the fact that I think the animatronics are creepy. But the biggest reason is one of my friends is in a comatose like state." (Yuuki)
'I'm not really sure what comatose mean but I know he's referring to me.'
We continued to leave after his speech when we got outside mom said screw it and dived into my subconscious to pull me back out. Yuuki saw I'm so embarrassed I don't wanna face him.
"Seth go with your parents they'll take you back to the dojo. We're going back by train." (BOM)
"Kayy." (Yuuki)
"See you guys later." (Yuuki)
'Oh, right the plan I completely forgot about it. This means I'll get to spend more time with him.'
As we continued walking Yuuki struck up a conversation with my mom.
"Did you park near my parent's car?" (Yuuki)
"No, we carpooled." (Ageha)
"What? Why?" (Yuuki)
"Your mother wanted to know which hotel we were staying at." (Ageha)
"That doesn't explain why you carpooled." (Yuuki)
"Hehe, I guess your mother was telling the truth about how quick you are. Sorry but can't say the rest its a secr-" (Ageha)
"No-" (Senji)
"You're planning a surprise party at the dojo." (Yuuki)
"...No, we no-" (Ageha)
" You're gonna use the excuse that you don't know the area well enough for them to have enough time to finish getting ready." (Yuuki)
"...How?" (Kurumu)
"Sorry did I wake you?" (Yuuki)
"No wasn't asleep. But how did you know?" (Kurumu)
"Widow Detective." (Yuuki)
'What the heck is Widow Detective?'
"You shouldn't watch that you're too young." (Ageha)
"But why? I learn stuff I learned that if someone ingests cyanide their lips and fingertips will turn blue and you'll smell like almonds." (Yuuki)
"You don't need to know that." (Ageha)
"What's cyanide?" (Kurumu)
"Nothing sweetie." (Ageha)
"Just get in the car." (Senji)
We talked so much that I didn't even notice we got to the car. Yuuki went to the front passenger side back door while we went to the driver's side passenger back door. Sarah had locked the door after everyone got in. It seems that she's having car troubles.
"Come on." (Sarah)
before I knew it someone had tried to open the door me and my mom got in the car. I bent my body to see who it was..... It was an animatronic.
"Ahhhh.(Audio sounding)"
It had the same color pattern as Freddy the animatronic here is bigger. It kept trying to force its way in while it was only the break off the door handle.
"Mom get the car started." (Yuuki)
"I'm trying." (Sarah)
Before I knew it the animatronic had kicked the car with enough force to push us to the car next to us. Am I going to die here? I don't want to die here I'm just getting to know Yuuki.
"Come on! Come on! Come on! Craap." (Sarah)
"What the hell's happening." (Senji)
"Android! Bigger Freddy!" (Yuuki)
"Oh come on!" (Senji)
"AHH!" (Kurumu) I don't wanna accept this I wanna keep living.
"It'll be ok sweetie." (Ageha)
"...Hun start the car!"
"DON'T YOU SEE I'M TRYin!... OH MY GOD!" (Sarah)
I got louder when I saw the second animatronic coming towards us. After the animatronic coming towards us kicked the car into the parking lot I completely broke down. My mom then picks me up trying to calm me down. The animatronic that kicked the car picked up the car next and threw it while I was having my episode. Mom used her monster reflex and strength to keep us safe for the moment we were in the air. I have my eyes closed throughout it when the car hit the ground I heard a loud crack.
When I opened my eyes Yuuki was on his back his eyes were closed and wasn't moving. I can't sense his life energy anymore.
"yuu..ki? YUUKIIIII!" (Kurumu)