Aftermath at Freddy's

"See told you, you could do it." (Akisame)

[Hidden Mission Achieved Be Directly or Indirectly cause of the Destruction of Gen 1 animatronics]

[Reward 4x Lottery Tickets]

'Wait what about GoldenFreddy?'

[In this timeline the victim escaped death because she was an X-rank monster]

'Does that mean S-Rank monsters can't beat the animatronics?'

[Not enough information to go on.]

'Damn I don't want Kurumu to know that I know she's a succubus I guess I'm just going to have to find that answer out later. There's too much going on right now I'll use the Lottery Tickets later.'

*POV Change 3rd Person*

"He might have killed me." (Shigure)

"Nah had a feeling he wouldn't." (Akisame)

"Too dangerous you do it next time." (Shigure)

"You believe there's gonna be a next time?" (Akisame)

"There won't?" (Shigure)

"I don't believe he will." (Akisame)

"I'm not as optimistic as you." (Shigure)

"We'll teach him how to control it." (Akisame)

"How can we teach him how to control it? We don't even know what that was." (Shigure)

"He has a natural ability to control Ki. It shouldn't be that hard to train him." (Akisame)

"I know but still." (Shigure)

"You're worrying about something we'll have control over. Trust me a bit will ya I knew he wasn't going to hurt you." (Akisame)

"...." (Shigure)

At that moment everyone that was in the car started to get out. Sarah was looking at her car door that wasn't there with a sad face. Senji looked like he was about to puke before slowly walking to the other side of the car to see Sarah. He didn't seem much worried about the car. But when he saw the missing door he did not have a happy face. Ageha exited the car while carrying Kurumu refusing to let her down.

"You girls okay?" (Senji)

"I'm fine just a bit shook up." (Ageha)

"Just peachy anyways how's Seth?" (Sarah)

Both Akisame and Shigure walked over to them to see how they were doing. Shigure had to change the way she carried Seth with the black gunk on him he was slippery.

"You guys okay?" (Akisame)

"Yeah, but how's Seth." (Sarah)

Akisame then walked up to Shigure and examined Seth for a few seconds.

"From what I can see off the bat he has a few broken knuckles, pieces of broken glass in his palms and knees plus him being utterly exhausted. Other than that he's fine." (Akisame)

"He doesn't sound fine." (Kurumu)

"It's fine he's not going to die from this you've seen what he can do." (Akisame)

"...I guess but what is he?" (Kurumu)

"I certainly understand why you would down his Humanity but he is a human." (Akisame)

"But what he just did.." (Ageha)

"Helloo, I'm his mother." (Sarah)

"He's just a boy born with very extravagant Ki." (Akisame)

"Ki?" (Kurumu)

Akisame then squinted his eyes as he looked at her. "Some people call it life energy. It's an energy that everybody has plants, animals even you."

"But for him to do this?" (Senji)

"I'm sorry I don't have the answers to everything I wish I did you shouldn't need to worry about this." (Akisame)

"Will he be okay?" (Kurumu)

"He'll be fine this is why he's going into treatment." (Akisame) He said as he walks over to pat her on the head.

"Oh by the way what are you even doing here? I thought you two were heading towards the subway." (Senji)

"Well, Shigure started rushing back here when Seth's Ki completely disappeared I joined in because I was worried. A pirate looking animatronic Fox tried to stop us let's just say you don't need to worry about that. We arrived when the fight was ending." (Akisame)

"Well did you enjoy the show?" (Ageha)

"Oh I loved it I wish I brought popcorn." (Akisame)

"Stop arguing! What should we do now call the cops?" (Sarah)

"No these types of people have ways out of normal law you'll likely be blamed for all the damages that have happened. The best thing to do is to put your door in the trunk and leave." (Akisame)

He said as he walked over to the front of the car and popped the hood open. Just as he feared some of the wiring in the car had been chewed out. He wasn't a stranger when it came to machines he even designed many of the training devices back at Ryōzanpaku but he had never tried to fix a car before. It's better to ask an expert instead of an amateur in this instance.

"Is anyone here a technician?" (Akisame)

A moment of silence resurfaced until Ageha said she could fix it. But she said that before she went and took a look at the car.

"I can't fix this the wires are all chewed up. What could do this?!" (Ageha)

"Do you really wanna find out? Either way, I guess we're just gonna need to grab new ones." (Akisame) He said as he pointed at the car Freddy kicked us into.

"But that's illegal." (Senji)

"Look they we're about to kill you. Leaving your car here is no good, they can find you through the license plate. There's literally no cameras out here at all because they knew they were gonna do stuff like so they never invested for them to be out here." (Akisame)

"No evidence." (Shigure)

"Look if you stay here you're gonna get charged no if, ands, or buts about it. It's the same if you leave your car here." (Akisame)

At that moment the car that Akisame pointed at alarm stopped. Everyone turned to see if the owner of the car was there but Ageha was there with the hood of the car open. Moments later Ageha finished getting the wires and closed the hood of the car. She now headed towards the car Kurumu followed closely behind.

"Where did you even learn to do this?" (Senji)

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to hun." (Ageha)

"...Fair enough." (Senji)

"Kurumu go ahead and get in the car I'll join you in a minute. One of you get into the driver's seat and don't start it until I tell you to." (Ageha)

Kurumu did she was told she sat in the same her mother was sitting in the last time they got in. Senji got into the driver's seat Sarah was to freaked out to drive with the door off its hinges. Akisame put the missing door in the trunk. Shigure opened the passenger back door and sat next to Kurumu.

Kurumu started crying when she saw the condition Seth was in. Akisame noticed this and asked Shigure to get out of the car for a second. She obliged Akisame then got into a car and sat in the middle section trying to block some of the view before Shigure gets back in. 5 minutes past before Ageha told them to try to start the car.

"Alright try it now." (Ageha)

Lo and behold the car started without a problem this time. She shut the hood and proceeded to enter the car.

"What are you two doing here?" (Ageha)

"We missed our train." (Shigure)

"We're heading back to the dojo, right? So this is easier for us." (Akisame)

"I see." (Ageha)

Ageha then picked up kurumu so she could sit down then placed her on her lap. Senji then headed to the dojo.