Chapter 42

'Wait what about the fourth one?'

[Better luck next time]

'Why didn't you tell me I might not receive anything from the lottery?!'

[You never asked]

'Danmit I can't even do anything! Give me the descriptions of the skills I just received.'

[Bloodlust Skill- You now have full control over your bloodlust you can easily make one person in a group without it affecting other people only affecting your target]

[Detect Bloodlust- You can easily tell where the person who is releasing their bloodlust is it doesn't even need to be directed at you to know where they're at]

'I definitely like Detect Bloodlust it might save me from a killer hit. I know I'm going to regret this but show me the description of True Incubus.'

[True Incubus Bloodline- A race of fantasy unlike a regular Incubus you can control when your partners get pregnant and what they carry (Ex*You mate with a human but whats born is a pure-blooded Saiyan*) nor will you absorb their Life-Energy if you don't want to. You can also father Incubi (AKA* Succubus and Incubus), Wizards, and Witches without the need of their bloodlines because of the True Incubus's nature. If you sleep with other races that you don't have the bloodline to you'll be able to father their race like the Wizard, Witches ect... But you won't be able to attain their bloodline nor their abilities with the exception of Gods (You won't be able to steal their divinity nor abilities and passed it to your children). Your ability can work with one gender races but it's recommended not to because it could put your child and carrier in danger. Racial Abilities- Mind-Magic Immunity, High Life-Drain Resistance, Medium Magic-Drain Resistance, Seed Steal, Highest Mind-Magic Affinity, High Magic Affinity, High Life-Drain Affinity, Medium Magic-Drain Affinity, Monster Aura Curses- Insatiable Lust (Inactive), Dry Death (Inactive), No Ball No Life]

'.....Sorry I blacked out there for a second. What the Hell!'


'All right I have so many questions right now I guess I'll start with the curses. Why- No How are two of them inactive?'

[You haven't been through puberty yet. Or in layman's terms they haven't dropped yet.]

'That's the sole reason they're inactive?!'


'Alright, what's the curse of No ball No life?'

[If they get permanently damaged in any way you'll die immediately]

'What the hell?! Can the Magic-Body trait stop the curse?'

[It cannot if you had the True Majin Bloodline it could]

'Will screw it, I ain't integrating it! Does the Purify Bloodline Pill remove all the curses or just one?'

[All of them]

'Wow that's impressive I wasn't expecting that. I guess it will just be a waiting game until further notice. Will you be able to conceal my Monster Aura?'


'...I'm not sure this is good for my health but it's gonna keep bothering me. What exactly is the curse Dry Death? I can already guess what Insatiable Lust is.'

[You'll slowly start to lose your Life-Energy if you can't satisfy your lust]

'I KNEW IT!! How can I satisfy it if it's Insatiable?!'

[Why do you think you have the High Life-Drain Affinity? Incubi don't sleep around because they want to it's because they have to. They all know if they don't sleep around they will die.]

'.....Kurumu did say she lived for love in the manga did she mean Life Energy?'

[Although a lot of characters from this world are taken from pop culture you should stop comparing them to their counterparts. They are real people living their lives not characters. Not everything's going to be the same as you know it.]

'.....Dang, I didn't expect that from your Phil.'

[Well if I don't say it no one's going to say it to you]

'Alright, alright I'll try not to make that mistake again. They honestly don't deserve this.'

[What do you mean?]

'Didn't that God just create this word to amuse his entertainment?'

[Yes but that's what all gods do even the one from your past world]

'But that just doesn't sound right.'

[Reality is much crueler than fiction]

*2 Days Later*

I'll appear to wake up now. I was supposed to start preschool today but I'm not sure they'll allow me to go with most of my knuckles broken. I didn't get a zenkai boost I just didn't get hurt enough.

'How long will it take for my knuckles to heal?'

[Considering your Saiyan biology 4 weeks completely]

'Isn't that too fast?'

[Not particularly Saiyans always tend to heal fast]

'OK, thanks.'

I raised myself from the bed take a look at my hands yep still patched up. This is gonna be terrifying how am I supposed to pee? It really does hurt if I try to move/wiggle my fingers. And here I thought I was invincible.

[Not a funny joke]

'I know.'

I left my room pretty easily the door was halfway open making it easy for me just to hit it with my elbow opening it all the way. I walked through the hallway of the dojo going into the living room. Sakaki was there in a drunk induced coma I tried waking him up but he wouldn't even respond to my voice nor me kicking his leg.

Screw it I'll go look for Akisame. I went to his bedroom his doors open he wasn't there. He might be in his clinic. Trying to open the back door to the Dojo was a lot harder with my hands tied up I had to use my elbows.

"That was so much harder than it oughta be," I muttered.

When I got to the clinic door it was shut so I just banged my head on the door hoping to get his attention if he's in there. I could have used my elbows but I didn't want to I was too lazy... I guess he's not in there. I'll try the blacksmith next to see if I can find Shigure.

I didn't want to slam my head again so I just used my elbows to open the door this time.