The reality of the confession

August, sixteen years ago, Rong Family Villa, City K

Their confessions caused Phillip and Chester to start kissing each other again. This time they both felt relieved in knowing that the other felt the same. This time there was no feelings of what if, it was for them the reality of their feelings.

A few minutes later, they were struggling to remove the other's top. At that time reality hit them both and they stopped.

Pulling back and moving to opposite ends of the couch, they looked at each other, realising what they were doing. Chester, when he gathered himself together said "Phillip, you have no idea how much I want to take this further, but …"

"I know, I remember civics class and the penalties the law will impose if we are caught."

"It is so unfair. Why is how we feel about each other illegal, when if we were with a girl the law does everything to encourage the relationship. It should not be."

"Chester, I know. You have no idea how much I want to continue with what we were doing." While he was speaking, Phillip moved towards Chester, taking his right hand in his hands and placing it on his erection. "Now do you get the idea."

For Chester, feeling how much what they had been doing had aroused Phillip was so pleasing, but there was no way he wanted Phillip to believe it was one sided. With his free left hand, he took Phillip's right hand and placed it on his own erection while saying "It is not one sided you know."

Before Chester realised it, Phillip slipped his hand into his pants and inside his underwear before starting to touch his erection. Chester groaned, before saying "No way are you going to do this to me alone. But you must promise me one thing if we do what I suggest, we pleasure each other but go no further, as we are skirting the law but not breaking it."

"Anything you want," came Phillips breathy reply.

Chester carefully removed Phillip's hand from inside his pants and stood up before quickly pushing down both his pants and underwear, with his erection standing out proud. "Now you, but we will only use our hands to pleasure each other, and only mouths on mouths."

Phillip took no more prompting and followed Chester's lead, sitting down beside him before they both started using their hands on each other's erection and kissing each other. Given how aroused they were, it only took them each a couple of minutes to work the other with their hands to achieve their release. As they pulled apart, they headed into Phillip's en-suite bathroom to tidy up.

Sitting back down, all they could do was talk about how they felt about each other. They could not say anything to anyone as this would make them either accomplices if they failed to say anything or they would feel guilty if they said anything that led them both to be charged and convicted.

Eventually they turned their thoughts to what they could do. The first thing they both decided was that they would join Walter in his campaign to change the law but ensure that they did not reveal their own sexuality. That was not just for them but was for everyone like them. Why should their feelings be illegal?

There was a couple of other realities that hit them as well. Given that they were friends before they realised how they felt, them spending lots of time together would not look out of place. Nor would it be odd for them as young people, to take holidays together to more liberal places that would allow them to indulge properly in how they felt about each other. The only hope, they realised, was that their campaigning with Walter would eventually change the law and allow them to have the relationship that they wanted.