Surprises and reactions (2)

July, 9 years ago, Yao & Rong Family Villa

Hearing this response from his son, Anthony Rong exploded "You, ungrateful brat. Your mother and I have sacrificed so much of our lives for you and this is how you repay us. You can forget about getting anything from us or the family ever again. You have until the morning to leave the Family Villa and forget about ever having a home there again."

"Father respect my choice as I respect you and mother as my parents. I will move out of the Family Villa tonight, and into my Grandparents Villa…"

"Forget about that, you have no claim on it. Their will gave it to me to hold for you until I approved of your choices. You know I have never approved of any member of the Rong family joining the military and never will. The lawyers will be told to sell the villa immediately, and as of this choice I will make sure you get nothing from their estate as is my ability as the executor of their estate."

"I hate to disappoint you and mother, father, but there was a codicil to your parents, my grandparents will. It only operates if I joined the military. I have spoken to the lawyers already and this codicil gives me their Villa and the thirty-five percent of shares in JL international they owned at their death. The Villa is already transferred into my sole name, and I have arranged with the lawyers for the shares to go into a blind trust to protect me as a serving member of the military. If you want to cut me off from anything from you, you can, because I do not care. You need to respect my choices as an adult, and this is my choice."

Matthew up and started to walk out. He knew that he had a few hours to get everything out of the Family Villa and having expected this reaction he had boxed almost all his possessions without anyone knowing. He heard Lexi say to her parents "Mother, Father I am going to help Matthew move, no arguments as he is my friend."

Lexi hurried after Matthew and climbed into his car with him, and they quickly headed to the Rong Family Villa. On this final trip to the Family Villa Matthew was glad to have Lexi by his side, as she made the immediate disownment by his parents bearable.

As he entered the Villa, Matthew explained to the staff the situation, and that he wanted to cause them as little trouble as possible. Two staff members spoke up and indicated that had vehicles that they could use to assist them to transport everything to this grandparent's villa. Matthew could not believe the generosity of the staff and said "If there is any trouble from any of you helping me, I will arrange with those managing my villa that you can be employed there, although you will need to understand that I will not be there much."

Three hours later with Lexi's help Matthew did one final sweep of his room and generally throughout the Family Villa confirming that there was nothing left of his there. Walking out the door with Lexi, Matthew turned to her and said "I expected the reaction, but to do it that way …"

"As I told you, do not worry you have me."

"Thank You Lexi. You better head home or your parents will kill me."

"I will but call me please in an hour to let me know you are OK."

"I will, now go."

Lexi realising that it was the inappropriate spot to kiss Matthew, simply gave him a quick hug, and entered the car that the Rong Family Villa staff had arranged to take her home.