You owe me a favour.

December 27, Jax Corp Headquarters, City K

Lexi stormed into Andrew's office where he and Chester were waiting for her. She hated being summons like a little child but thank goodness she had a great live-in assistance to help with Dominic's care when she was working and her staff at the design studio were capable.

"What is the world are you doing summoning me here Andrew. I am not a child and you do not need to treat me as such. I have a business, unlike you who have taken control of the family company, that I have built up by my own hard work, and I need to be there."

"Shut up Lexi," spat Andrew. He hated the disrespect that Lexi seemed to direct to him particularly since her return. "You forget that family business whether you like it or not has been there if your business hits trouble. Sit down as we need to talk to you."

Chester, spat out "Damn it Andrew, we are your siblings. Treat us with respect. Remember though we both own the same amount of company shares as you do. I have Lexi's proxy still," and with that Lexi nodded "As well as Mum and Dad's proxy. With my shares, is you really want to push, I will convene a board meeting and have you removed as CEO as those along with those from a few other shareholders who have given me their standing proxy's I control over fifty percent of the shares."

"Damn it Chester…"

"No Andrew, talk to us like humans or you will find yourself out, and I will seek the appointment of a CEO from outside the family."

Observing her two brothers, Lexi realised that they were coming close to a physical fight, rather than just a verbal one. Andrew ever since he found out about Chester being gay hated being around him and only tolerated him for her and Dominic's sake.

"Calm down you two. We do not need this. All I am angry about is that you simply demand Andrew. Requesting me to come is a compromise position, and more importantly polite. Treat me with some respect. I am an adult, and unlike you two a parent."

Chester knew what Lexi was trying to do, and despite having been Dominic's parent effectively for over six and a half years he was not worried about it. She was aiming her remarks at Andrew, the non-commitment man, not him. Chester just laughed at how uncomfortable Andrew was, and Andrew immediately looked back at him with daggers in his eyes.

"Well come on Andrew, I do not have all day. I have to get back to the design studio as well as visit the flagship store, so what do you want?"

"A couple of things. Firstly, tonight I need your presence at TJ's. A group of us, including some of your friends are gathering as I want to test a new more western taste menu for lunch and dinner meetings in the private rooms before they become widely used. Secondly, not this Sunday but the following one I need you to play hostess at the family villa."

"Tonight, sounds good, I needed anyway to check out TJ's to see if it could be suitable for some meetings so that works for me. And before you ask, I will make my own way there. I need to be flexible in case Dominic needs me at home. As to the second why?"

"The idiot over there," with that Andrew pointed to Chester.

"Who is an idiot?"

"Let me rephrase, the disorganise one over there was meant to have a meeting on Christmas Eve with CEO Hou, from Hou Enterprises about our entertainment division working with him and his newly formed entertainment joint venture with XF International for our entertainment division, but apparently he and CEO Yao were called to a court case. CEO Hou has agreed to come here for meetings on the Monday, but as his pregnant wife will be with him rather than then taking us out for a meal I thought we would host them at the Family Villa."

Lexi paused. A couple of times she had run into Hou Yi at functions in France when he was there visiting Hou Enterprises European divisions and had tried to convince her to allow him company to host in his shopping malls in Europe and a few in the US. She simply rejected him outright, as at the time she was not certain what she wanted to do. However, if he was having his pregnant wife accompany him, that was different.

"Andrew fine. Send me the details. But I am not going to stay here talking to you I have things to do. But promise me both you will come and see Dominic and I on the weekend as he wants to spend time with his uncles, and that means Phillip as well Chester."

Without waiting for a response Lexi turned out and walked out. As she shut the door Chester turned and said, "We both know that she is our sister."