Alarm Bells (1)

28 December, Matthew's Villa, Rong Family Villa and John Nang's residence, City K

Hearing the name John Nang, that rang a bell with Warrant Officer Wang. That was the name of the police liaison officer that had seen Colonel Rong at the base, was this the same person? He hoped so, as this might make the situation easier to deal with.

Taking the piece of paper, he used his secure mobile and called the number. Within two rings the phone call was answered "John Nang speaking."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone Warrant Officer Wang knew immediately it was the same John Nang that had the meeting with the Colonel at the base. "Sir, this is Warrant Officer Wang."

"We met at Colonel Rong's office. Why are you calling my personal mobile from a secure number," responded John. He knew from seeing the number that it was a secure mobile number.

"Sir, Colonel Rong has not returned home. Is he with you?"

"No Warrant Officer Wang. I left the club twenty minutes after he and Lexi Yao left. Lexi, it looked like was giving him a lift home as her Villa is in the same area as Matthew's." Looking at his watch, he added "That was over ninety minutes ago." Recognising the potential issue, John added, "Call me back. My secure number shifts the last two digits to the fifth and sixth digits while reverses them and reverses the new last four digits."

"Yes Sir"

As he ended the call, the phone Butler Yang called on rang. "Master Phillip, I received no answer from Miss Lexi's mobile. I will hand you over to Master Matthew's adjunct."

"CEO Rong, I am Warrant Officer George Wang, Colonel Rong's adjunct. I spoke to Mr Nang, and he said Colonel Rong obtained a lift from, it must be Miss Lexi, and they left the club over ninety minutes ago. I am to call him back."

"We confirmed through other calls that Lexi and Matthew had left together, so we know that."

Before Warrant Officer Wang could say anything, his secure phone rang, and he immediately handed over the phone and answered his secure phone "Warrant Officer Wang speaking."

"Warrant Officer Wang, John Nang here. I made a quick call to the central police station. The fire brigade was called to a car fire around twenty minutes ago, and they found a license plate that appears to be from Lexi's car. It occurred about ten minutes' drive from Matthew's villa. They were about to send someone to notify Lexi's family, but I have told them I will see to it. I am waiting for the CCTV footage to see what happened, but something does not seem right here."

"Do you need me to do anything? Can you head back to the military base and advise General Man. The last thing Matthew will want is Major Hung to know. If General Man is up to it, bring him to the police station as soon as you can. I will let you know if I find anything out in the interim."

"Yes sir." With that the call ended, and Warrant Officer Wang turned to hurry back to the room to change to return to the base and advise General Man of the potential issue. On returning to his allocated room, he dialled the base hospital and asked the nurse on duty to disturb General Man, indicating he was ordered by Colonel Rong to disturb General Man.

The nurse on the other end of the phone wanted to argue, however given the potential seriousness of the situation, from somewhere Warrant Officer Wang stood his ground and the nurse relented. He was able to make quick arrangements to see the General on his arrival back at the base.

At the Rong family villa having gotten the information they had received both Chester and Phillip were worried, and started questioning each other, as to what had happened? What had Matthew dragged Lexi into? Were they safe? What does Matthew do? Why would it be important to John Nang?

After a few minutes of debating, Phillip convinced his fiancé to head to Lexi's villa and see what eh could find. Chester also agreed if Lexi was not there, he would carefully bring Dominic back here so that they could wait for news together. Chester joked however the two of them had ditched everyone to go off for a few hours together and simply let no one know and that they would kill the two of them when they were found.


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