Terror (3)

28 December, Unknown Location outside City K

Matthew was right, curiosity had gotten the better of the Devil. "It appears that Sir here has not done his research on my fiancé and figured out something based on my name."

"Do not be f*cking smart. I have no time for riddles or games, I serve Allah, and I have to bring this country under him loving arms and for all people in the world to follow the prophet Mohammad, peace be unto him, and the right path as he set out."

"Well, … my surname is Rong, and if you know much about business..."

Matthew could see the moment everything came together for the Devil. "Rong, as in JL International. Then you are that brat of a brother who deserted his family nine years ago for a life of service in the military that his family and friends did not approve of, at the time or even now." There was a brief pause "Hang on, that is not correct, his apparent girlfriend approved. Damn, why did I not put it together, she was the girlfriend he had when he joined."

That was interesting. The Devil knew things that were not widely known by the public. Yes, he disappeared from the Rong family, but the extent that people did not approve of him joining the military was not as widely known, nor was it well known that he and Lexi were involved, both at the time he joined the military and subsequently. He had to have connections to the business world in City K, but was not close to their inner circle, as he did not know the changes in the relationships.

That made Matthew realise he knew something that despite all the analysis of intelligence that they did not know about the Devil. He was involved in business. That explains how he was financing his activities and how they were not able to impact his funding. He was not reliant on criminal activity, he had legitimate sources.

Matthew looked at Lexi, who was still burying herself in his arms. He knew that she was terrified about what was happening here. She had no idea though the potential danger that they were in. He needed to stay as calm as he could for Lexi's sake.

Lexi, having heard the words from this man, thought his voice sounded familiar. Was he someone at some of the society events Chester and Andrew had dragged her to since their return as their plus one? That worried her, was it someone they knew, was it someone that they had let into their homes. That made her shake in fear. What else has this person done to make them vulnerable.

The Devil looked at the two of them. This was something he had to use to his advantage. These religious zealots of ISX were getting too tedious and were deviating from the plan. Yes, hostage taking and keeping single women for their use, and couples for his viewing pleasure were worthwhile, but they were getting out of control with their abuse and actions. He could only view that ISX had been useful like the other groups that he had used to date, towards achieving his goal.

The problem for him was that they would not get him to his goal of state destruction. He had to ditch ISX soon and move onto the next group. He had, when ISX though he had disappeared for various reasons slowly been cultivating the new group for some time, and they were just about ready for him to move in. This group, unlike the rest finally seemed to be the group that would get to him to his final goal, then his revenge would be complete.

The issue was money, he needed some more money before ditching ISX. These two might be the exact ticket he needed. The Devil spoke, "Two for one. Both your families will, when I decide to tell them I have you, pay for your release. I was, only going to demand $20 million US for you Miss Yao, but I think now I might increase that to $80 million US for the two of you. No make it $200 million US, and I know they will pay. Now, unless you want me to eventually when I get my money ship you back to your family in little pieces, I am going to set out the rules for your visit with us." There was then deadly silence.


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