Investigation (7)

28 December, Military Base Hospital, City K

Just as General Man, settled back into his bed, his adjunct knocked on the door and opened it saying "General, Major Hung is here to speak to you."

The last person he wanted to deal with was Major Hung, given the suspicion that Matthew had regarding him, but they contain the situation "Send him in."

After snapping a salute, and closing the door behind him, Major Hung said "General, permission to speak freely."

"Permission granted within reason Major."

"General, I spoke to the medical staff and they told me you went out without medical approval. And I have recently had a conversation with Colonel Rong's adjunct, who I have put on report due to failure to follow my orders …"

"Major, I am going to stop you there. The Warrant Officer has orders from both me and the Colonel, given the family emergency the Colonel is not to be disturbed unless it is life threatening. You need to remember that officially he does not report for duty until Monday, but as a conscious solider he stepped in to assist in the situation. However, I cleared with National Headquarters the fact that he will be out of communications for two or three days, given the family emergency. Now what do you need?"

Major Hung realised that he had been called on his behaviour. Warrant Officer Wang, was loyal to the officer he was the adjunct to, and despite his efforts so far he had not been able to get rid of him to put in place an adjunct who would be loyal to him and report each and every move that Colonel Rong would make.

Taking a breath, Major Hung continued "Late on the twenty-sixth, we received a top from a confidential source, who made it clear that we were not to provide their information directly to the police, that a criminal group intended on the thirty-first intended to kidnap some businessperson's relative. My team has spent the time since then verifying that initial tip from various other sources that it was going to happen and to rule out that it was something that we needed to be involved in. That was only done in the last hour or so, and I about fifteen minutes ago finished packaging the data for the police."

"Policy would say that I should contact Police Liaison Officer Nang, but given his over-reaction when the Yao child as kidnapped I cannot trust him to deal with the information appropriately and prevent this. I have recommended to the Colonel that we need to request the police replace Police Liaison Officer Nang, with someone we can trust and have advised him who is the appropriate person to be appointed. However, the Colonel, for some reason, appears to trust him, and I wanted him to be the one to pass the information on, so that it can be used to prevent an attack."

General Man, paused. This was exactly part of the discussion he had with General Rong, Major Hung was protective of his sources, and waited until he had cleaned the information so much that it was useless, but he could argue through passing it on, that he was cooperating with the police to prevent civilian crimes, thereby protecting his position. If did not prove that there was a leak with someone informing the Devil.

"Major, I will have Warrant Office Wang come and collect the material and take it to Police Officer Nang, when he is in the office later today. That is the best that I can do, as it is not life threatening, and in the circumstances, it will be something that we will not disturb Colonel Rong for. Now, I need to rest so get out of here."

Snapping a salute, Major Hung responded, "Yes sir," and quickly left General Man's hospital room. Once he was gone, he called in his adjunct and asked him to call Warrant Officer Wang to come and collect the papers that Major Hung had left with him to take to the police. He then opened the papers, and quickly started to review them. If he did not know the reality, the material left was quite believable and clearly covered the Major and his team. It simply was a pity for the Major that he and Police Liaison Officer Nang knew the truth. Matthew on his rescue and seeing this would also know and understand the truth.

As his adjunct came in to confirm that Warrant Officer Wang was on his way to collect the material, General Man handed it to his adjunct, saying "Hand this over and ask the Warrant Office to tell Police Liaison Officer Nang, to work the truthful information, and update me if there is anything needed."


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