Tracking the path of the Devil (2)

28 December, Central Police Station, City K

John Nang looked at General Man and realised that he was not surprised. What was going on with the special forces team? Did that mean that he was going to need to act to not only protect his team, but more importantly the public, as he could not count on help from the military when the matter was within their jurisdiction?

Shaking his head slightly, John took a deep breath and continued "Gentleman, initially we thought that we had lost the Devil and his minions when they blew up Lexi's car, due to the flash that blinded the CCTV. However, using a longer-range CCTV camera, we were able to track the vehicle leaving the City and heading in a south westerly direction, along the highway. CCTV footage, once you are outside the city limits becomes less frequent, making it impossible to us to be absolutely accurate that we have the same vehicle."

"But we are as confident that we can be that we were tracking the same vehicle, based on speed, the look of the vehicle, traffic and everything else that the footage showed us. The last CCTV footage we have was a camera approximately sixty kilometres from the city limits on the highway. The next camera that was working was ten kilometres further down the road and there is no sign of the truck or any of the other vehicles."

"The funny thing was that they passed six separate police vehicles and two military vehicles on their journey. As they travelled, they were careful to do nothing that brought them to the authorities' attention, so they were able to travel without being stopped. Base on everything, they moved off the highway between 3:30am and 4am."

"We have looked at the various maps that we have available and have determined the possible roads that they may have taken off the highway. From our work, there are four possibilities. I am sorry that we cannot add anything else to that, but we are quite willing to help further. I have the digital files of everything to send through…"

The voice on the other end of the phone interrupted "Mr Nang, we need to speak to the general to work out a couple of things, but please email the information you have through."

Understanding that they needed to speak privately about matters, John quietly left his office shutting the door behind him. General Man then said "So what do you think?"

"General, what the police have come up with is plausible. Based on our discussions Major Hung's team has come up with little of this. Yes, the information has been controlled but I did not think that he was as dumb as this is saying. There is the possibility that the suspicions may be correct."

Before General Man could respond, his personal secure phone rang, and he answered it "General Man speaking."

"General it is Major Hung. I had just gone to the hospital to see you but I was advised that you had gone to the police station. I have new information that urgently needs to be acted on."

"What is it Major?"

"It appears that our initial information was incorrect as to when the civilian was going to be targeted. A source provided information that says that if it has not happened it is going to happen within the next few hours. However, we have in the last hour found out in an elite neighbourhood that there was a car explosion, but we are being blocked to get any CCTV footage to check what happened. My team's suspicion is that the kidnapping has occurred, but without the footage we cannot be more accurate."

"Major the police alerted me to that, and they are investigating the explosion. From what Police Liaison Officer Nang has shown me, it appears to be a matter outside our remit to investigate."

"General, you can discipline me later, but this is the problem I informed Colonel Rong. The current police liaison officer has no idea. How can we determine if what he is telling is the truth within him handing over the information? We need someone who understands how to work with us …"

"Major, stop there. We will discuss this matter further with the Colonel but keep up your investigation and other work presently. I look forward to an update later from you."

With that General Man terminated the call, and the voice on the other phone said "General, he is covering his failures."

"I think you are right, but it does not prove the suspicions about him and his team. Now has General Rong activated his tracking device."


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