More Terror (1)

28 December, Terrorist Camp, south of City K

Feeling the changes in the air, Matthew was certain night had fallen. At a rough guess that would mean it was around eighteen since this ordeal for Lexi had started, if not longer. While he knew due to his training he could cope with this situation, Lexi was falling more and more to pieces with every moment they were kept hostage.

All he could do, is simply try and comfort her have her realise that in the end everything would be alright. She could not escape hearing what was occurring outside the room they were chained in. The screams of men and women, who anyone could tell were being abused and the sounds of people being killed. Then there were the perverted acts that the Devil and his minions were forcing them to do.

Lexi, hearing another scream from outside the room they were held in. It made her feel terrified, and she buried herself into Matthew's arms. He was the only thing that had any idea of normality for her, despite what they forced him to do. When they initially demanded that he force himself into her, he refused, being adamant that that was inappropriate.

It was only when they shot dead a woman dragged into the room and threatened to kill her if he refused, she could see the conflict across his face. He did not want to do this but knew that continuing to refuse would cause her death. That moment made him realise that he was still the same and would protect her.

Matthew said, subbing her back "Lexi it will be alright. I will keep you safe."

Those words for Lexi were somewhat a balm and she tried to bury herself further into Matthew's arms. She just needed the safety that was there.

Feeling Lexi's movements Matthew realised that she was close to the edge of snapping. He just hoped that their disappearance would have been noted and someone was tracking the signal form the talisman. The sooner they were rescued the better for Lexi given the psychological impact on her. He could last for days, but there was no way, given her current reactions, that she would last more than a day before having a total breakdown.

Meanwhile, while trying to block out the screams from outside the room, Matthew started to process through his mind things that he had observed. There were two distinct groups, the Devil and his cohorts on one hand and those more ideologically driven by the ISX ideology. The first group seemed only to pay lip service to that ideology, but it was such that the second group had no idea that it was only lip service.

That division was initially visible when he was forced to have s*x with Lexi otherwise they would have killed her. The people in the room in the first group, kept looking away slightly, but those in the second group seemed to be delighted in the control they had over him and Lexi. That delight fitted with what he could recall about ISX. The members gained pleasure of observing the abuse of people they did not consider to be true to their cause. That was worrying.

Those tied to the Devil were interesting, because that confirmed the position that the Devil was using ISX. Who would have thought hat rumours would quickly be proven true to him when he was taken hostage.

Matthew's musings where thrown by Lexi moving in his arms presently, she heard another shot from outside the room. Matthew wished there was something he could do to help those people but being chained here as they were there was nothing he could do.

Lexi felt Matthew tighten his arms slightly around her. She pulled back and said quietly "What is it Matthew?"

"Lexi, I feel guilty, I have had you dragged into this situation. If I had done what I should have you would be safe at home with your son and your family."

Before Lexi could say anything, they heard a noise, and saw ten men come in, two dragging women into the room. Matthew in seeing the look of terror on these women's faces was grateful Lexi was buried in his arms. They were could to use them to force the two of them into performing some act for the gratification of those coming into the room with were deep in the ISX Ideology.

The Devil said, "You both better turn and face me immediately, or these two and you both will be dead within seconds."


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