Argument at Dinner (2)

6 January, Yao Family Villa, City K

Observing his wife, Matthew could detect her anger. While he was willing to allow her to express that privately, slapping him on the face was a step to far, as he knew violence in interpersonal relationships solved nothing.

As Lexi started to withdraw her hand, Matthew grabbed her wrist in his hand before saying "That is the only time you get to do that. We all know how unacceptable that behaviour is when a man does it to a woman, so what you believe it is acceptable behaviour for a woman to do it to a man?"

As he finished speaking, Matthew let go of her wrist, Lexi fired back "It is totally acceptable behaviour. It is about a woman to tell a man to back off and leave her alone."

In a somewhat exasperated tone, Matthew started to respond by saying "Lexi…"

Screaming now Lexi said "Do not use that tone on me Matthew. You arrogant, self-entitled idiot. Who would ever want to be in a relationship with you. Not me."

Matthew stood there shaking his head. How in the world did he deal with this? He well and truly knew Lexi's attitude towards him and the situation, but this ongoing cycle was going nowhere. More importantly it was damaging any prospects of them being able to see what relationship they could establish with each other, if she simply gave the relationship a chance

"Do not shake your head at me," screamed Lexi at him.

Matthew paused, and took a calming breath. It was obvious that Lexi wanted to cause him to overreact. That was one thing he would not do, because he already knew despite everything, he still loved her.

Having heard a car pull up, he knew he had to diffuse the situation, so Matthew calmly and quietly said "Lexi calm down. Your brothers have guests, who if I heard right have arrived here…"

Still screaming at Matthew, Lexi interrupted "Do not tell me what to do."

Matthew had had enough. Yes, Lexi could get angry and be verbally and physically abusive towards him in the privacy of their suite in his villa, but this now was going beyond any bounds of acceptable behaviour.

In a strong, firm but quiet voice to ensure that the argument did not carry out of her old suite, Matthew responded "No Lexi Rong, you will now listen to me. I let you have your say time and time again particularly as you feel trapped by how the law has worked in our situation but enough is enough."

"Firstly, and you need to correct your memory I did not abandon you for my career. When we committed ourselves to each other and undertook all the preparatory steps for a military marriage not only was our marriage approved by the military, you knew that I had leave approved for three days to return for your eighteenth birthday so we could marry. You were the one who, through indirect means contact and informed me not to return."

"When I received that message, I cancelled that few days leave and organised a longer period of leave when I completed the training block I was on. Yes, that I did without informing you, but I believed at that time three weeks would allow us to get married, have a short honeymoon and start to make the arrangements for you to move to where I was based. It was only on my return for that leave, that I found out from Phillip that you had married, given birth to Dominic, and been widowed.

"You did not inform me of that so stop revising history."

"As to what happened when we were kidnapped, you were the targeted not me. I did not make that conclusion; it was John and his team. I have reviewed their data and agree with that conclusion. If you need it confirmed speak to him, and trust what he has to say."

"What happened during the time we were kidnapped, boiled down to two options for me. Refuse and see us killed or agree and give us the chance to escape. What I know about the group involved, and not even John has the security clearance to see all the data, let alone you, my refusal would have initially seen you r*ped by multiple men, abused and assaulted so badly and either killed or left to die. I did not want to do what we were forced to do, but I would not let them harm you."

"Do you hear me claiming you r*ped me, when they tied me to the bed and had you perform act upon act on me when I could do nothing? No, it was the circumstances. Now what did you want me to do? Keep you as safe as I could until we were rescued or allowed you to be violated so badly you would never psychologically recover? My only choice was to keep you safe. As to Dominic, yes that may be arrogant, but all I asked about was the process, and gave you the information on that."

"Me being revisionist? No that is you," spat Lexi at Matthew.

"Lexi fine have your opinion, but this cannot go on. We must deal with this. Do not, however, think that this continuing childish behaviour of causing argument after argument will simply have me walk away. I made it clear to you that you had to give this marriage a reasonable chance of success, but all you have done is be argumentative and aggressive towards me refusing to give it a chance. Until you give it a chance, I will stand my ground. Now, will you calm down to be the host that your brothers asked you to be, or will we leave straight away?"

Lexi gave Matthew a look filled with malevolence, but she was aware that she had agreed to help Andrew and Chester. There was no way that she wanted Matthew to be there though and picked up a vase throwing it at Matthew shouting "Matthew Rong, you might be a colonel in the military, but you have no right to interfere in my life. Get out of here before I have you thrown out and arrested by the police." She picked up the second vase and threw it at Matthew.


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