Leaving me in peace (2)

13 January, Matthew's Villa, City K

Monica observed that Lexi had placed her and Jessica. She quietly said, "Sophia was her own worst enemy. After we all graduated from High School, with her looks she was quickly recruited by an entertainment firm to be a film and television actress. Having a boyfriend in the military for her did not fit the image she wanted to project so she dumped David. No loss for him, as he ended up finding the love of his life. The problem was that while she had a pretty face, she had no real acting skills. When Joseph and I married, I was disowned by my family other than my sister Abigail, who only recently turned eighteen. Sophia, lead the mocking of me."

"What I know is limited, and if from second-hand information. Her lack of talent meant that she had to rely on investors promoting her to act in movies and series the financially supported. That meant she became involved with them and fell into drug abuse. That affected her looks, and eventually when she ceased to satisfy their needs sexually and without her beauty, they dumped her. That started a drug spiral to the point it became noticeable to the family."

"When I heard about Sophia's decent, as I was concerned, and I contacted my parents, uncle and aunt and grandparents to ask how she was. They universally blamed me for what was happening as my role in life was to marry who they designated and to have stayed and protected Sophia as she was the family's princess designed for high things to benefit the family. I was selfish as I abandoned her to marry Joseph. It did not worry me, but I now see that the family are trying to push Abigail into a marriage for the family's benefit. That I want to prevent. She is young, needs to complete her education and enjoy her life."

Jessica added "And according to my parents, who still occasionally go out in society she is fighting that, and it is not pretty." After a pause Jessica added "Now, Lexi, before our husband's join us we are after a bit of help."

"What, you need a few outfits?"

Jessica, Monica, and Sarah all looked at each other. That was not what they needed, but for Sarah, looking at the clothes Lexi had on, she recalled seeing a similar outfit when walking passed a LY Store in the capital. Something clicked for her, so she said "You are the one behind the LY stores. Why did we not click when you were introduced to us."

Lexi wondered if she should answer, but that decision was taken out of her hands as the four men came walking out and Matthew added, with a sense of pride in his tone "She is the owner and head designed."

Turning around to look at Matthew, Lexi shot him a look letting him know that she was not happy about him, but with all his friends and the children around Lexi decided that this was not the time for an argument.

Over the next couple of hours, the eight adults sat relaxing as the children, led by Dominic played in the yard under their supervision before having their early dinner and their guests leaving.

On returning to their room, after settling Dominic for the night and him understanding that Matthew would be away for a few days, Lexi and Dominic headed back to their suite. Lexi, as they headed there was determined that she was going to have her say.

As Matthew closed the door behind them, Lexi turned and angrily let loose "You b*stard. You failed to tell me about the connection to your subordinates and their wives. You tell people about my business without asking me. As I have told you, you are arrogant and controlling, and I want a divorce. There is no way I want trapped in a marriage with you." Lexi moved closer and raised her hand slapping Matthew across the face.

As the went to pull her hand back, Matthew gently but firmly grabbed her wrist. "Lexi stop it. We created the situation, and yes, I did not take all the steps I should have when I found out that you had married and became a widow. We, both, created the situation in the first place now we must live with the consequences of our in-actions and failures. Slapping me, abusing me and everything else must stop. I told you unless you give this marriage a chance then I will not consent to a divorce. I can accept the ending of our marriage if we cannot make it work, but you are not even trying to see if we can make it work. And one more thing, that is the last time you slap me, next time there will be consequences."

"Threatening violence. Typical man, bully and abuse the woman in a relationship, blaming her for all the problems."

In a quiet, but somewhat menacing voice Matthew said "Enough Lexi. I never threatened violence, all I said was if you do that again there would be consequences."

"La-di-da," came Lexi's cynical response, before she raised her other hand and slapped Matthew again adding "I want you to leave me in peace."

Matthew grabbed her other hand, and gently pulled Lexi in before giving her a brief and passionate kiss on the lips. As he let her go and moved away, he said "Consequences Lexi. I know you needed to travel to Thailand for business but forget about me giving you approval to travel for a month. Send a subordinate to deal with it. As to the other, I am going to the base and will see you at the end of the week. If you can figure out your issues and apologise, I might rescind that ban."


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