Mummy, I hate arguments (3)

17 January, Matthew's Villa, City K

On hearing Dominic's words, Lexi was stunned. Her child was being rude and disrespectful. That had stopped now, as it was inappropriate behaviour.

In a firm but not loud tone, "Dominic Yao, that is totally unacceptable. You do not talk to me, let alone any other adult like that. You need to calm down and talk to me properly or..."

"Mummy, you are angry, and I do not want to talk to you." With that Dominic turned his back on Lexi.

This was intolerable to her. Rather than pandering to this, Lexi moved over quickly and sat down beside Dominic on his bed, before saying "Dominic Yao. Stop this. I have to tell you something firstly, so you will listen to me, but we will talk."

"Mummy, NO! I will not," screamed Dominic, hitting Lexi with his hands on her arm.

Lexi, gentle took his hands before saying quietly "Dominic, behave. Since you have gone back to school for the year, your teachers have become so concerned about your behaviour at school which is bordering on being unacceptable. You and I have to talk about that."

In a tone, that was laced with anger and disappointment Dominic quickly responded "As if you care mummy. All you have done for the last few weeks is focus on you and been angry with everyone else. The only person who seems important to you is you mummy. Daddy Matthew and I do not count. You were not like this when you came back permanently, and I wonder why you did."

Those words hurt Lexi deep down. Was she being selfish focusing on herself and the need to get out of this marriage for his sake. Lexi gathered Dominic, despite his resistance into her arms and started whispering repeatedly to him, while rubbing his back "Dominic you know I love you." After a couple of minutes of struggling he started to calm down with his with her constant reassurance that she loved him.

About ten minutes later, Lexi let Dominic go and looked at him before saying "Dominic, tell me what the problem at school is?" Lexi, while hoping that the issues at school were the only problem, realised that she needed to have Dominic tell her what was worrying him.

"Why Mummy?"

"Dominic something is wrong at school, and unless I know what the problem is, I cannot help you."

"Mummy…" came out the whine from Dominic.

"Do not use that tone with me Dominic. Your teacher has told me things about what has been happening at school. However, you have a chance to tell me your side of the situation before I decide anything. You know that I am not unreasonable, but if you refuse to tell me anything, I can only believe what the teachers have told me."

"That is unfair mummy. You should trust me."

"I do trust you Dominic, but with that trust comes the responsibility of you answering things like this when I ask you, honestly."

Dominic looked at Lexi and realised that he was not going to be able to win the argument with his mummy. He worried what she would do if he did not answer things.

"Mummy you have made so many changes to everything, what do you want me to tell you."

Taking a breath, as Lexi knew that Dominic was trying to get away without telling her anything. "Dominic, all I want is you to tell me the truth, nothing more nothing less."

"Mummy…" wined Dominic.

"Whining will not change anything. You need to talk to me Dominic as how can I help you without knowing what the situation is."

Dominic sighed, and said "Mummy it is a few things. Someone heard about Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip's engagement and told me that I belonged to an unnatural family and we deserved to go to hell for allowing that."

Lexi was stunned. That was the words of adults that children were spouting. She thought that the country had come a long way over the years, especially with the changes in the law about same-sex relationships. That was something she needed to talk to the school about. Chester and Phillip with the changes in the law, still ensured that the did nothing that went outside the law.

"Dominic, it is not like that. You know your Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip love each other. They want the best for each other. That is not wrong. You should not respond to people like that as they do not know the truth." Damn, Lexi thought to herself this was hard to deal with. How do you tell a child like Dominic about prejudices and ignorance that those comments echo of adults without sounding vindictive?

"But Mummy, I was naughty to one of them who said that."

What! Lexi though. There was more than one child telling her almost eight-year-old son about this. The situation was more serious than it initially seemed.

Seeing that Dominic did not want to say what he had done, Lexi asked "What did you do Dominic."

"Please do not be angry mummy," said Dominic before looking to the ground. Lexi picked up he was ashamed of what he had done.

"Can you tell me what happened Dominic so I can help you."

"Mummy, I kept the four that had surrounded me telling me what they did about Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip. I told them they were being mean and to leave me alone. We argued, and I tried to push myself free from them. One of them claimed I hit them and hit me. I then kicked the one who hit me before pushing him and his friends away."


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