Mummy, I hate arguments (5)

17 January, Matthew's Villa, City K

Lexi sat there stunned. How quickly had Dominic turned the situation from dealing with his addressing how he responded to those bullying him to her arguments with Matthew. He was his biological father's child with that. Matthew, during the arguments they had quickly turned thing back onto her.

Pausing, Lexi looked at Dominic before responding, as calmly as she could. "Dominic, there are things that you are too young to understand. Sometimes adults have disagreements over things, that does not relate to you. You should not worry about it, because it is about matters adults have to deal with."

"You are lying to me mummy," was Dominic's firm response.

"Dominic, young man, I am not lying to you. It is about matters that do not concern you."

"You did mummy. I hear you tell Daddy Matthew that you hate him time and time again, along with things I do not understand. You have repeatedly told him you want a divorce and I heard you tell him he was trapping you in something you do not want. If that is true, why did you marry Daddy Matthew? Why did you have us to come here and live with Daddy Matthew like what my friends tell me married people here. You called him a b*stard, which you just told me was not nice. I know Daddy Matthew's mummy and daddy were married and I have met them, so that word is not what you told me it means. You lied to me mummy."

In a firm tone Lexi said, "Do not take that tone and use those words with me young man."

"Mummy you always tell me that I should not lie. I should always tell the truth, including earlier when we were talking. Yet you lied to me and are continuing to lie to me now."

"Dominic, there is a lot of things that you do not know, and they are only things that adults can understand. Your Uncle Matthew..."

"Daddy Matthew, mummy, Daddy Matthew," said Dominic interrupting Lexi.

"Dominic interrupting me was rude. Please let me finish or there will be consequences. Our relationship is extremely complicated by a few things, that as a child you do not need to know. We must deal with those issues, and save and except where we are living, it does not concern you at this time. When it does, we will talk to you about it." As she continued to speak Lexi knew her tone was becoming softer. She did not need to frighten Dominic, but he needed to understand that what he had done was not appropriate.

After a brief pause, knowing that Dominic knew that he had acted inappropriately. Firmly, but as gently as she could, Lexi continued "But young man I do not want to hear the word b*stard come from your mouth again. That word has several meanings, and the meaning that I gave you was appropriate to what we were talking about. You do not need to know the other meanings, and I will not tell you them. Do you understand?"

Looking at Lexi, Dominic said "I do mummy, but do not shut me out mummy. I am not silly, as I know anything that happens to you, happens to me."

Lexi looked at Dominic and could see how much things were hurting him. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Giving him a hug, she said "How about we agree that we will talk to you about things you need to know, but you understand that we will disagree about things. Those disagreements are us working through things. And more importantly we will try and do what we can to make sure that you do not hear the arguments. Is that OK with you?"

In a much brighter and happier tone than he had been using through the conversation Dominic responded, "Yes Mummy."

Relaxing somewhat, Lexi said "Now we have one other thing we need to finish talking about. Are you alright, if I talk to your Daddy Matthew about what is happening at school, and the two of us talk to your teacher and the school principal?"

As he nodded, Dominic said "Yes Mummy."

"Dominic, there is something I want you to promise though. You need to tell me, your Daddy Matthew if there is still a problem at school. If you feel you cannot talk to us, tell any of your Uncle's Andrew, Chester of Phillip and they can tell us. We need to know what is happening so we can help you. But also, you need to tell me you will hit misbehave like you did at school. That was unacceptable, and if you do it again there will be consequences."

Looking down at the ground Dominic said, "Yes Mummy, I promise to behave."

"I expect you to keep that promise to me Dominic. As you know my rule if you promise to do something you should, but if you cannot you need to talk to people before it becomes a problem."

"But I want you to promise me something mummy."

"Dominic, do not try and manipulate me like that."

With a cute smile leaning his left ear onto his shoulder while slightly turning upwards and directly looking at Lexi, Dominic said "Who me, Mummy."

"Yes you. Your Uncle Chester, Uncle Phillip and Uncle Andrew have all taught you that look. Despite them all being older than me they all thought that look would work on me, it does not. Now I will not be trading with you promises. However, I have a surprise for you. Your Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip might come over for dinner. Shall we go and call them to see if they are going to come."

Dominic's eyes lit up "Yes Mummy, I really have been missing them."

With that Dominic ran out of his room and started to head downstairs. As Lexi reached the door of his room, Lexi called out "Dominic you need to walk inside, not run. Now head to the lounge area I was in when you arrived home, and I will get my phone."

With those words Lexi saw Dominic slow down to a walk. At least with some things he could be reasoned with. After collecting her phone, she quickly headed down to join Dominic and they called Chester, who quickly confirmed the arrangements for Dominic. He was so excited that his favourite uncles were coming.

Lexi sent Dominic back to his room to gather his homework, so they could complete it. Just as they were packing up Chester and Phillip arrived, with Dominic's favourite pizza. These two were so spoiling him. Over the ninety minutes until Dominic's bedtime arrived, he relaxed and chatted to Chester and Phillip excluding her from the conversation. As she had been listening, it was clear that Dominic had heard a lot of the arguments that she and Mathew had been having.

On returning downstairs as she entered the room, Chester quietly and firmly said "Lexi you better tell us what is going on here. Dominic is picking up on a lot of tension here. And do not think that you can get out of this conversation. You need to talk to us once he has headed to bed."

Realising that this was a conversation that she was not going to be able to escape, Lexi nodded and started discussing what had happened with Dominic.


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