Charity Function (4)

26 January, Hotel Ballroom, City K

John turned and directly looked at Madam Mo and said "Madam Mo, please calm down, and stop throwing unfounded allegations around. Madams Rong, Dang, Wang and Pang would be quite within their rights to inform their husbands of the allegations you made against them, and that would be matters that go before a military court. Madams Rong and Pang clearly have access to family wealth to afford the clothes they have on, let alone treat Madams Dang and Wang, and that fact would see you taken there for false allegations rather than into a normal court."

"How dare you threaten me."

"I am not, I am just explaining the potential to you. I will convince them not to do anything further if you promise to stop this unnecessary argument. The last thing I want to see happen, is this event that is partially sponsored by my family, ruined in the long term over this."

"Tell her if I get an apology over my dress and that ungrateful brat of a daughter of mine leaves I will."

John realised that this was not going to end well. "I will see what I can do, but it may take some time."

"That I can live with." With that she grabbed Abigail's hands and headed over to where David Hwang was standing.

Having watched the events that had occurred, David was wondering how he could use this to his advantage. Lexi Yao had, even if she had observed him, not realised who he was. Using that confrontation to sow concerns to the elites within society in City K about Matthew Rong and the new officers who had come on base stepping over Robert would be perfect. The possibility would be that the concerns of both the elites here and soldiers would convince the senior officers in the capital to have these four men had to be removed and enable Robert to press for the position as head of special forces here.

Seeing Madam Mo dragging her daughter towards him, he had to shift from planning the downfall of people to enable him and Robert to execute their final revenge plans to being the charming businessman mothers wanted to introduce their daughters to in the hopes of securing a marriage alliance. Madam Mo was the worst of the lot constantly forcing her daughter in front of him. The only consolation was that Abigail Mo was a charming engaging girl to speak with.

Robert however, when he visited the other day reminded him that he needed to fit into society here. Marriage and connections were the most important thing, and despite all his success he was not in the centre of society. Being there necessary for their ultimate revenge, because it would allow him to make offers to 'help' people and companies for the sake of the country in exchange for money and shares, putting them in the position that they would take control of them.

As Madam Mo arrived, he smiled and turned on the charm "Madam Mo, a pleasure to see you again. And Miss Abigail, you look as pretty as always."

Smiling Madam Mo knew that she was where she needed to be. In the right position in society about to secure the business deal MoTang needed through Abigail's marriage.

"CEO Hwang, Abigail was waiting for you to come. I will leave the two of you to talk." With that she turned and walked away.

Abigail embarrassed by her mother said "CEO Hwang, I have to apologise for my mother. She is too obvious in what she wants."

"You to spend time with me and me to compromise your reputation so she can force a marriage."

"You know her type too well."

"I have seen it time and time again since my business has taken off. I generally avoid people like her, but as we have talked about before you are charming and interesting hence why I do not tell her to leave me alone. It would deprive me of your company."

Laughing, Abigail said "You are full of flattery."

"It is the truth. You are the first woman mothers at these events have attempted to force on me that I enjoy spending time with. Everyone else made me run in the other direction."

Shaking her head Abigail quietly said "It is hard with a mother like her. You likely heard that confrontation."

"Your mother made it impossible not to."

"She never forgave my sister for her choice, marrying the man she loved rather than a loveless society marriage she has with my father. Although…"

"There was a bombshell you did not know about dropped tonight."

"There was. But I must admit I should not be surprised. As you can see my father is too busy flirting over in a corner with his newest mistress, and no one cares about his constant betraying of his marriage vows. My mother, every so often has her own affairs, and they think I am blind to what is going on around me."

"How do you feel?"

"I cannot care about it, otherwise it will mess me up. The only thing that it tells me, is that Monica made the right choice. She married for love. While I want that, given my mother's antics I have no option but to settle for someone who will respect me and give our relationship the chance to become more. She is determined that I marry soon, and I suspect that if I do not make a choice, she will find someone who will simply agree for a business alliance."

"But you have a choice," came the automatic response. He needed to appear concerned if he could pull this off.

"I am realistic. The way it has worked for generations is within the narrow society group here is that parents and grandparents have arranged marriages for their children and grandchildren. As that has continued, they see nothing wrong with it even now."

"What will you do?"

"Take these events as an opportunity to find someone that interests me and creates the possibility of a good life together and see if we can reach an agreement for marriage. That is my lot in life, and I have to simply accept it."

"For someone so young, you seem to feel that you have no option."

"Not having no options, I only have limited options and unlike Monica I do not have the guts to cut my family out of my life to pursue love."

David, hearing that knew he had the right in. Other than Abigail and Monica, the whole Mo family were dumb. They had no concept of the real world. While he understood the age gap between him and her, the last thing he wanted was someone who honestly over several meetings had wanted to know about him as a person, hurt through their plans. Maybe Robert was right, marrying someone will help the plan, and provide an escape route if things go wrong.

"Abigail, please feel free to say no, but would you be willing to see whether something can develop between us."


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