Why were you not here?

28 January, Matthew's Villa, City K

Matthew was sitting in the breakfast room, deep in reading the newspapers, when he heard a voice call out "Daddy Matthew."

With that he carefully folded and then placed the newspaper he had been reading beside him on the table and looked up. He saw that Lexi and Dominic had entered the breakfast room, and it was obvious that Dominic was excited to see him.

Dominic flew across the room, and Matthew turned gathering him in his arms for a hug, before asking "What is it Dominic?"

"I missed you."

"I am sorry, but I had to work over the weekend."

"But Uncle Andrew, Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip do not."

Carefully looking at Dominic, Matthew said "Dominic, do you understand what a solider is?"

"Daddy Matthew, I am not silly. Our teachers have talked to us about the military, soldiers, sailors, pilots, and the like. They are people who protect all of us."