Confronting Richard's Parents (1)

28 January, Municipal Courthouse, City K

Lexi, while still fuming about Matthew escorting her to the courthouse in his military vehicle, at least allowed him to assist her down, knew she was more worried about Richard's parents' reaction to Matthew's presence. Despite them ultimately only having a distant connection to Dominic, which they knew, they were determined to gain control of him.

Lexi observed Matthew signal to Warrant Officer Wang, who slightly moved the vehicle before quickly escorting them into the courthouse.

Walking into the courthouse beside a uniform wearing Matthew and being escorted by Warrant Officer Wang, Lexi knew they were highly visible, but at the same time it made her feel safe and comfortable, as if no one would hurt her. Upon reaching the courthouse door, the security staff spotted Matthew and his adjunct, and came racing over to escort them into the building and around the security screening point.