Confronting Richard's Parents (4)

28 January, Municipal Courthouse, City K

Before Lexi could react, Matthew stood up and responded "Madam Yao, this is not the place or the time for this. The Judge will explain the situation, but if you do not remain calm, I will not allow you near my wife or stepson until you can. I will not risk their safety."

"You have no right, you…"

Lexi, regardless of how she felt about Matthew and their marriage was glad that he was standing up for her and Dominic. Something that Chester and Phillip were the only ones to do in the past. "Do not say that, mother. You forget the law about insulting members of the military."

"No one in their right mind would apply that when he is stopping me from seeing my grandson," was the screamed result.

Suddenly, before anything could be said further, the Judge interrupted "Could everyone please be quiet and sit."