1 February, Matthew's Villa, City K
As Lexi stopped her car, Dominic quickly unbuckled himself from his seat and quickly said "Hurry up Mummy, I want to go inside."
"Dominic, you need to let me get out and come around. Taking a couple of minutes young man, will not be a problem."
"But Mummy I need to make the most of my time with you and Daddy Matthew tonight, as tomorrow morning I am going to spend some time with Uncle Chester, Uncle Phillip, and then Grandpa and Granny. There are so many things I want to do with you and Daddy Matthew this weekend, but I am so worried that I will not have the time."
Taking a deep breath, Lexi said "Dominic calm down. Let me get out. And before you do anything you will do your homework…"
"That is unfair mummy. I will tell daddy Matthew."
"Absolutely not. You know the rules. Homework first before you do anything else."