An Unhappy Visit (6)

3 February, Hospital in City T

Matthew immediately observed that his lie was easily accepted by Hou Yi, who from his briefings was a highly astute businessperson. But at the same time, it was obvious that Hou Yi was struggling with his conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he was joyful about the child that was living but conflicted with the grief he felt for the loss of the other child. It was as if he needed to be right beside his wife for his own reassurance. That, Matthew concluded must be clouding his normal sense of judgement.

From an operation perspective, he wanted to talk to the psychiatrists and psychologist that gave special forces advice to see what this would mean if they came across a similar situation in an operational environment. You had to take knowledge from everything you observed to create a knowledge bank that could be drawn upon during operation and for the purposes of intelligence analysis.