Valentines Day (3)

14 February, Club T's and Rong Family Villa, City K

Matthew, on pulling up Lexi's Bugatti Veyron outside Club TJ's quickly alighted from the vehicle and hurried around to the passenger side of the car, helping Lexi out, before handing the keys to the valet to park it.

As they headed inside, Lexi quietly turned and said "A restaurant, Ha. You asked Andrew for help and…"

"Yes, I asked Andrew for a suggestion on where we could go, but he offered a private room for us, at no cost. I figured he is after something, but why would we be stupid and refuse the free use of a private room here?"

Lexi laughed, and shook her head before saying "Matthew, why in the world would I believe anything you say?"

"According to John, Andrew has a secret. John says he knows it and has given him a week to tell people, otherwise he is going to publicise it to everyone who needs to know. I figured Andrew if trying to get on our nice side so when it comes out…"