JL International Anniversary Ball (1)

16 February, Star Dream Hotel, City K

Lexi paused, just as Matthew Phillip and her were about to enter the Ballroom. She did not want to do this, but Chester had asked her to accompany Phillip in as he was worried about him. As he had explained, while he wanted to walk in side by side with Phillip, he was conscious of the fact that several attendees were extremely conservative and would cause issues if he did that. As he did not want to ruin the event for Phillip, he decided the safer approach was to come in early and come to Phillip's side after the initial formalities were done.

Lexi, looked at Phillip she could see he was worried, knowing Chester was right with his concerns. She quietly asked "Phillip, what is it?"

Phillip turned and looked directly at Lexi and said, "Why do you think there is something wrong?"

"Well, Chester hijacked Dominic to help cheer you up, he is not with you now and there is something in your eyes that says you are worried about something."