A Fresh Start? (1)

26 February, Military Base, City K

Ten minutes after the rest of Dominic's class departed the military base, Lexi and Dominic were being shown into Mathew's on-base accommodations.

How dramatic were the differences to Matthew's villa. A well-proportioned but easily usable kitchen for a family with an eat-in dining area, a lounge, formal dining room, study, four bedrooms, bathrooms, and a playroom. It felt homely, like her apartment in France. It felt as if it was meant to be lived in by a young family, rather than it being a showpiece designed to show wealth.

Dominic, quickly started to run around the house, and on entering one of the bedrooms called out "Mummy come here."

Heading towards Dominic's voice, Lexi said "What is it?"

"You have to see mummy."