Replay, The B*tch is back (2)

7 March, LY Studio, City K

Lexi looked directly at Madam Mo and realised what the attitude was about. This was over the court case. Madam Mo had expected that she would get what she wanted, firstly in terms of the dress on her terms, and would not bend for a request. Then when she was called on her claims, she became defensive. And then finally she believed that she had the court case sewn up, through having the case put before a judge that she believed would simply rule in her favour. That meant she had been defeated at every turn, and she hated being defeated like that.

Then there was the fact that Lexi was friendly with the daughter she had disowned because of the simple fact she married the man she loved rather than agreeing to fall into her family plans for her life, caring and cleaning up after her cousin Sophia and agreeing to a marriage that her parents decided for her.