A Las Vegas Wedding (5)

16 March, Las Vegas, United States, several hours later

Lexi stood up, looking over the group of family and friends, before clearing her voice, waiting for everyone to look at her.

When she knew everyone was looking at her, she said "We are at that time of the night where there are the formal speeches. Where to start, who gives what speech?"

A voice, Lexi realised was Paul called out, "And who wants to let the grooms speak, they will…"

Steven added "Talk rubbish, we know your attitude at weddings Paul, you bring up the worse of everyone for a laugh."

Chester said "True, and there is no way I want that."

"Not your call Chester. You know the tradition; someone marries and at their reception we stir things up by talking about your embarrassing past. We did it at your first wedding to that piece of trash, and what makes you think it will not happen again," said Andrew drawing a round of laughter.