Nang Foundation Charitable Event (2)

12 April, Palace Hotel, City K

"The truth Paul.  Sally loves Andrew, and he loves her.  That is the only truth that matters."

"Lexi, screw that.  He does not love her, like I do.  He is simply using her…"

"How many times have we all been talking to you about this in the last few weeks.  If you love her the way that you say you need to respect her decisions.  Be there to support her but let her make her own mistakes."

"But it is a mistake that will hurt her."

"While personally I would say my brother is not a mistake, when it boils down to it, she made a decision.  If it is a mistake that is a mistake that she must deal with.  We, her friends need to be there to deal with the outcome, if that is the case.  That will be harder for me, because my brother will be the cause, but I will not let that ruin a friendship.  Stop your selfishness and stop moaning about yourself.  Be happy for her."