Nang Foundation Charitable Event (7)

12 April, Palace Hotel, City K

Stunned, Paul in a daze, turned and started to walk out of the Palace Hotel.  Was his feeling so obvious to even Sally's parents?  Did Sally know how he felt?  In the daze, he did not see a young woman racing towards the room, and bumped into her, causing them both to fall to the ground.

Coming out of his stunned daze, Paul looked at the person that he had knocked to the ground, and noticed it was a young woman.  Looking carefully at her, he had no idea who it was that he had knocked over, but by looking at everything she was wearing it was obvious that she was someone who was a member of high society.

In that couple of seconds, Paul felt as if his heart had stopped and restarted.  Her lack of height made him immediately feel protective of her.

Without thinking he quickly stood up and held out his hand to help her up.  As she took it, he quietly said "My apologies.  I was not looking where I was going."