You had to be a hero, didn't you? (2)

12 April, Palace Hotel, City K

Watching that people were heeding his words, John moved over to Bronwyn and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Fine John, you know my background and can imagine the training I have…"

"I do, but you tend to practice law…"

"But I get deployed at times with teams so, I can handle this."

A groaning voice came from the floor and said, "And so she should be able to deal with it, otherwise she would not..."

"You had to be the hero, didn't you Matthew?"

In a weak voice Matthew said "And let them hurt my wife…"

"Stow it, boss. You need to preserve your strength until the medics arrive." Looking up, Bronwyn saw Warrant Officer Wang coming into the room, and she called out "Ger here now."

"Yes Ma'am," was the immediate response.