You had to be a hero, didn't you? (6)

12 April, Palace Hotel, City K

As Joseph walked in one direction Robert Hung headed towards his cousin, who was standing with Kevin Mo. He could see Kevin Mo tensing, but then given how much he hated his son-in-law seeing a military officer walking towards him would easily explain this.

As he got closer, he said "Cousin…"

Kevin Mo looked at the two of them and asked "Cousin?" while looking directly at David Hwang.

David knew he needed to speak. "Yes. My story is well known. Orphaned at a young age and going into state care until I turned eighteen. This was my cousin's story as well, but the government kept us together as we are each other's only living family. But we drifted apart due to our decisions at age eighteen but have recently reconnected."

"No need to tell everyone everything."

"But you forget it was my pig headedness that caused that. I hated the idea that you joined the military, and for years I lost contact with my only family."