You had to be a hero, didn't you? (8)

12 April, Palace Hotel, City K

Across the room, Chester, and Phillip, who were both down on their knees were getting worried in comforting Lexi, while sobbing, she kept jumping between wanting to run to Matthew's side and cursing him for causing this.

Sally, standing by Andrew's side quietly said "Andrew, you should be there?"

"The last thing I want to do is be in her firing line. Chester and Phillip are quite capable of…"

"Damn you Andrew Yao," yelled Lexi. "Who wants a brother like you who wants to stand to the side when his baby sister needs his help."

"Help Lexi? More like being your punching bag. No way, plus I have a wife who needs my support as well…"

"Do not drag me into this Andrew," came Sally response, "I know you love me, but your sister…"