You had to be a hero, didn't you? (13)

12 April, Military Base Hospital, City K

Lexi shook her head; Dominic could be so cute when he wanted to be. Here he was getting to know what he wanted to do and trying to get away quickly when he could. Lexi looked at Monica and shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Seeing Lexi's movement Monica crouched down to look at Dominic in the eye before saying "Dominic, wait a minute so I can say goodbye to your mummy."

Seeing Dominic nod and let go of her hand Monica stood up, moved over and hugged Lexi quietly saying "Take care and let us know if you need anything tonight. I only brought him over as he had threatened to come on his own, and that was a worry you did not need."

Lexi responded, "Thank you so much." More loudly she added "Dominic, you need behave, as if I hear about you doing something like you did to Miss Monica and Miss Sarah again you will be in serious trouble."

"Yes Mummy," Dominic said, and he moved out of the room ahead of Monica.