You Idiot!

13 April, Warren Gong's Villa, City K

Sitting in his study, having finally convinced his hysterical wife and daughter to have a spa day, Warren sat wondering about last night. It just seemed too convenient his sister pulled out of attending at the last minute, and his former niece-in-law was targeted. In that moment Warren decided that he needed to get the answers, so he picked up his phone and dialled the one person he needed a straight answer from.

After a few rings, the call was answered, and the voice snapped "Why in the world are you calling me so early?"

Sarcastically Warren said "It is not early darling sister. It is 11am. Do not say that you need beauty sleep…"

"Screw you!" came the angry reply.

Warren took a breath and said "That is sickening. You have a mind in the gutter. However, I did not ring to trade barbs with you. I need answers."

"Why should I bother with answers, you want nothing to do with me."