A Rushed Wedding (3)

19 April, Fengs Jewellers and LY Studio, City K

Abigail turned and looked directly at Steven. Seeing the uncertainty on her face Steven said "Do not make the decision more complicated that it needs to be. Do not think about what others will expect. It should be what you want, not what you think others want you to wear."

"But you should pick it…"

Shaking his head Steven added "You will be the one wearing the ring Abigail not me, and I will be happy with whatever you choose, because you will make the right choice."

Steven could not believe the words coming out of his mouth. While he did not want this marriage, why was he being so kind to someone who he was not close to. Maybe the week was finally getting to him.

Abigail meanwhile carefully took the ring and looked at Steven quietly saying, "Are you sure?"

"Abigail, whatever you decide will be the right choice so do not question yourself."