A Rushed Wedding (6)

19 April, LY Studio, City K

Abigail looked Steven in the eye and said, "Do not blame me if this goes wrong."

"I will not. Lexi just needs to learn…"

"Not to try and overhear other's conversations. Sometimes Steven you need to grow up. You are an adult, a vice-president in your family company and your father's heir. Despite everything that happened during your childhood you know that he loves you and wants what is best for you."

Steven and Abigail looked at each other before nodding. Based on all the discussions they had including with their fathers today, even to Abigail this was extremely clear.

"True. Now can we get somewhere other than simply talking where anyone can hear."

"Snippy, Snippy, Steven. Come on and let us head to my office so I can figure out what I can do for you and how much time I have."