You are selling me for your business (8)

**contains material not suitable for those under the age of eighteen**

20-April, Tang Family Home City K

Joan sat on her couch waiting for David to arrive. Violet seemed excited about the party she was going to, and promised Joan that she would stay out of trouble before leaving with a subordinate of David's who she felt was trustworthy. Given the old man's attitude, her being away from the house, even for a few hours was worth it.

Joan heard a knock on the door, and quickly checked seeing it was David with his guards outside. Opening the door, Joan said "Come in Master."

David, motioned to the guards to presently stay outside the guest house, but made sure that as he entered and shut the door it was unlocked. Including Naomi, they all knew the plan tonight. He would feed Joan with a high dose of the aphrodisiac, which by now she was addicted to, before they got their fun.