Romantic Night (3)

26 April, City Centre, City K

Lexi was surprised when they pulled up to a parking spot close to the point where the city's observation wheel was. It was strange there was no restaurants in the area, so what did Matthew have planned.

As the climbed out of the vehicle Warrant Officer Wang moved in and quietly said, "Everything is organised. While they wanted to argue over us having the food catered once they realised who you were, they gave up easily on that. We checked everything out and have people in both the mechanical room and the operations room while you are on board."

It was then it clicked for Lexi. Some of the cabins in the Observation Wheel at night turned into private dining rooms. Each was a tailored to the booking with the meal, drinks, and the requests of the booking party determining the number of revolutions on the wheel they would go. "You booked this?"

"Lexi, you deserve something special and I wanted to commemorate the day…"