We are a Family (1)

2 May, Matthew's Villa, City K

Matthew walked through the villa door, glad to be home after his first full day back on duty. Yes, the medics were still restricting some activities but at least he was not stuck generally at home and only allowed on base for his rehabilitation sessions at the hospital.

As he walked in, he noticed Lexi waiting there for him, with a concerned look on her face. "What is it?"

"We need to talk," came Lexi's quiet reply.

Following her, they walked to the family lounge room, where Dominic was waiting for them. Matthew was concerned but did not want to force anything from them. As he sat down on a sofa, Lexi sat beside him and Dominic ran over climbing onto Matthew's lap. As he gave Matthew a hug, he said "Daddy Matthew."

Returning the hug, Matthew turned his head and looked a Lexi sitting beside him.