Wicked plans starting off (2)

**contains material unsuitable for readers under 18 years**

5 May, City Park and David Hwang's villa, City K

David paused for a second and continued "Joan knows you are my only family other than her, and if we are realistic, she likes you. She has already asking me when the three of us can repeat the other day. Her exact words were, she loves the bedroom fun that the two of us have, but being f*cked by you and me together was a highlight of activities that she would not mind repeating on a regular basis, if you were game."

Robert shook his head before adding "Your found someone who perfectly fits your preferences David. You know that is usually not me, but…"

"You enjoyed f*cking my woman together with me. It was quite an experience, and feeling her clench both of us tight causing us to come together, while I never thought it would be something that would appeal to me, with Joan it does because she enjoys it."