Why? (7)

9 May, Rong Family Villa, City K

After sitting for a while, trying to discuss matters with Chester and Andrew, Lexi felt emotionally drained. When everything boiled down to it, they had the key thing correct. It was impossible to avoid dealing with the truth. Dominic had to be told, as did Richard's parents but she had to ensure relationships were not destroyed.

Noticing Andrew move towards the alcohol as Sally opened the door, Lexi stood up saying "You two can continue to talk but I am heading out."

Andrew having spotted his wife, smiled at her before motioning with his head for her to follow Lexi. Seeing the reaction on her face, Sally received the message and turned following Lexi who had passed her leaving the room. As she shut the door, she said "Lexi, leave those two to get drunk. You need to vent to someone you trust. Let me be that person, and I promise you I will not tell even my husband."

"As if…"