Can we talk (7)

10 May, Paul Gu's apartment, City K

Abigail stared directly at Paul before responding angrily "Talk? How dare you act like that in my home. Those people were my friends, and I was spending time with them."

Paul, holding his temper in check said "Friends. Who has friends that treat you home as a drug den, where they can do whatever they want. You were just lucky that John was not with me as they would have dragged you into so much trouble because you allowed them to use our home for their habit."

"Who cares, they were doing no harm."

"No harm. They risked you getting a criminal record for their habit, and while I suspect they have access to the funds to support their habit without robbing us or your other friends it feeds criminal activity to have the drugs available for them, and with those not as lucky to have the money to support their habit has them resort to criminal activity."