Danger and Trouble (2)

11 May, JL International Mall, City F and Devil's Lair, City K

Lexi walked into the LY store, looking around. Unlike the scene that she had seen in City Y, just the night before, this store was as she wanted. Staff attentive to customers, regardless of whether they were spending lots of money, little, or simply looking.

As she moved into the store, she was approached by a staff member with a genuine smile on her face. "Ma'am, how can I help you?"

"I am Lexi Yao…"

"Lexi Yao…? As in LY…?"


"Apologise boss. We were of the understanding Director Karen would be coming today to deal with the issues for the Movie Promotional tour. The store manager is our back. Please follow me, and I will take you straight through."