Danger and Trouble (5)

11 May, Military Offices, City F; Unknown location City Y; Rong Family villa City K

Feeling that the call was going to get him nowhere, as he went to hang up, he heard the voice, quietly but with a resigned tone say "She is. I was meant to head there this morning while she stayed here to finalise what we had to deal with. However, as circumstances changed last night I needed to remain here, so she went to there to deal with the promotional event we were contracted to provide clothes for the actresses before returning. It was only when I received an email from her that I realised she had left her phone…"

Matthew knew that he was being fed a story but disputing it would be problematic and in the current situation he had to focus on other things. Interrupting he said "She may have been caught in the incident at the mall, so…"

Karen hearing the trailing off said "I may need to deal with things."