Danger and Trouble (15)

11 May, JL International Mall, City F

Without waiting, Joseph picked up a secure phone and dialled Legend's contact and placing it on speaker. As soon as Legend answered Joseph said "Legend, Aramis here. I need to speak urgently to Head Honcho."

"Aramis, he is on his way with Porthos and D'Artagnan to City F. When he heard that it was a JL International Mall targeted…"

"He figured that Athos would need backup."

Legend continued, "Correct. He is aware that there were fights over who had jurisdiction but that initial fight has at been temporarily resolved. He is aware the longer this takes, the more problematic the situation will become until we step out from being involved in the investigation. While Athos has the rank, he figured two generals would be better to handle the situation until that time is reached."

"Is he reachable?" inquired Joseph. Given the previous fight the boss had, it was obvious that Head Honcho would be required.